
  • An adapted model of burnout for employees at a higher education institution in South...
    Coetzee, S. E.; Rothmann, S.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 3 (2004)
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  • Management perceptions of competencies essential for middle managers
    Mbokazi, Bongani; Visser, Deléne; Fourie, Linda
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 1 (2004)
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  • Bevinding en geestelike verlating op die limiete: Die historiese en teologiese...
    Raath, A.W.G.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 4 (2004); 1449-1489
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  • The march of time and the "evolution" of change
    Van Tonder, C. L.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 3 (2004)
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  • Statistical and extra-statistical considerations in differential item functioning analyses
    Huysamen, G. K.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 4 (2004)
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  • Psigologiese kragte en die effektiwiteit van werkspanne in 'n chemiese nywerheid
    Buitendach, J. H.; Stander, M. W.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 2 (2004)
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  • Brief research note: Self congruity, reference groups, and consumer behavior
    Van Der Giessen, Barbara; Rijken, Nicole; Louw, Johann
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 1 (2004)
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  • Problems with the factor analysis of items: Solutions based on item response theory and...
    De Bruin, Gideon P.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 4 (2004)
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  • Sonder verhale vaar niemand wel
    Spangenberg, I.J.J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 4 (2004); 1373-1381
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  • Work-related concerns of South Africans living with HIV and AIDS
    Maloon, Dianne; Crous, Freddie; Crafford, Anne
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 2 (2004)
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  • Locus of control and online learning
    Esterhuysen, Suretha; Stanz, Karel J.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 1 (2004)
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  • The comparability of the construct validity of Schepers’ locus of control inventory for...
    Berg, Amanda; Buys, Michiel; Shaap, Pieter; Olckers, Chantal
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 3 (2004)
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  • Newspaper reporters' role effectiveness: A comparative study of two levels of...
    Singh, Sanjay K.; Dhillon, Paramjeet K.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 2 (2004)
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  • Book review: Research at grass roots: For the social sciences and human services...
    Greyling, Mike
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 1 (2004)
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  • Witchcraft and its impact on black African Christians: A lacuna in the ministry of the...
    Manala, Matsobane J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 4 (2004); 1491-1511
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  • "Organisational transformation": Wavering on the edge of ambiguity
    Van Tonder, C. L.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 3 (2004)
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  • The relevance of the individualism – collectivism (IC) factor for the management of...
    Van Dyk, G. A. J.; De Kock, F. S.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 2 (2004)
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  • Planning a psychological test in the multicultural South African context
    Foxcroft, Cheryl D.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 4 (2004)
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  • At the confluence of organisation development (OD) and organisation identity theory...
    Van Tonder, C L
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 1 (2004)
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  • Exploring inertia in a typical state organisation
    Louw, G. J.; Martins, N.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 1 (2004)
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  • 'n Ondersoek na die persoonlikheidseienskappe van inbelsentrumkonsultante
    Moller, Y.; Crous, F.; Schepers, J. M.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 2 (2004)
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  • The relationship between sense of coherence and goal setting
    Nel, D. J.; Crafford, Anne; Roodt, Gert
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 2 (2004)
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  • Ontferming “beyond” vergeving als weg naar heling en heelheid: “Reframing” als...
    van der Schaaf, Tiny; Dreyer, Yolanda
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 4 (2004); 1355-1372
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  • Virtuositeit en grootsheid: Aspekte van Hannah Arendt se “buite-morele” etiek van...
    Schoeman, Marinus
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 4 (2004); 1267-1286
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  • ‘n Kontekstuele teorie van entrepreneurskap
    Crous, F.; Roodt, G.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 3 (2004)
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  • From the other side of doubt – overcoming anxiety and fear: Paul Tillich’s “courage to...
    Dreyer, Yolanda
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 4 (2004); 1245-1266
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  • Overcoming the effects of differential skewness of test items in scale construction
    Schepers, Johann M.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 4 (2004)
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  • Konstruksie en evaluering van 'n gerekenariseerde konsepverwerwingstoets
    Carstens, V. E.; Schepers, J. M.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 2 (2004)
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  • The internal structure of the unit performance construct as measured by the performance...
    Henning, Roline; Theron, Callie; Spangenberg, Hermann
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 2 (2004)
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  • Die verband tussen werknemertevredenheid en organisasieverbondenheid
    Pretorius, A. A. S.; Roodt, G.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 3 (2004)
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  • Assessment in multicultural groups: The South African case
    Van De Vijver, A. J. R.; Rothmann, S.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 4 (2004)
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  • Werkswaardes van akademici
    Claassen, Loudine; Schepers, Johann M.; Roodt, Gert
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 4 (2004)
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  • Expectations of and satisfaction with the South African police service in the...
    Kleyn, E.; Rothmann, S.; Jackson, L. T. B.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 1 (2004)
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  • Book Review: South African Employment Relations – Theory and Practice
    Hinrichs, Karen
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 2 (2004)
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  • Design, designers and the Designing God: A critical look at some models
    Du Toit, C.W.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 4 (2004); 1287-1306
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  • An item selection procedure to maximise scale reliability and validity
    Raubenheimer, J.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 4 (2004)
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  • The fallacy of using in-basket based measures for the validation of leadership dimensions
    Schroder, Harold M.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 2 (2004)
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  • Development of a questionnaire for assessing work unit performance
    Spangenberrg, H. H.; Theron, C.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 1 (2004)
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  • Die ontwikkeling en evaluering van ’n entrepreneurskaporiëntasie-vraelys
    Venter, C.; Crous, F.; Schepers, J. M.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 3 (2004)
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  • Using the occupational personality questionnaire (OPQ) for measuring broad traits
    Visser, Deléne; Du Toit, J. M.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 4 (2004)
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  • The validation of the Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human services survey for emergency...
    Naudé, J. L. P.; Rothmann, S.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 3 (2004)
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  • Transference and counter-transference in systems psychodynamic group process...
    Cilliers, F.; Rothmann, S.; Struwig, W. H.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 30, No 1 (2004)
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  • Tentmaking ministry in the Hervormde Kerk in Suidelike Afrika: Solution or problem?
    Manala, Matsobane J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 4 (2004); 1399-1416
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  • Post-independent mainline churches in Africa (1975-2000)
    Hofmeyr, J.W.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 4 (2004); 1307-1332
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  • Homoseksualiteit: Die kerk, die tradisie en die Bybel – homofobie en sarkofobie en die...
    Dreyer, Yolanda
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 175-205
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  • Rebel soldiers as good Samaritans: New Testament parables in an African context
    Jackson, Glenna S.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 239-247
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  • Bang waarvoor? Die betekenis van [vreemde taal weggelaat] in Galasiërs 2:2
    Tolmie, D.F.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 487-502
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  • “Om nie te dink bó wat in die Skrif geskrywe staan nie” – konsistensie en ontwikkeling...
    van Aarde, Andries G.; Geyser, Piet A.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 7-28
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  • Oor die betekenis van die maagdelike geboortetradisie: ’n Debat in die Nederduitsch...
    Boshoff, P.B.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 51-60
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  • Constitualised space in Daniel 9
    Venter, P.M.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 607-624
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  • The rich, the poor, and the law
    Reinstorf, Dieter H.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 329-348
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  • Die opstanding in die Jodedom, die Grieks-Romeinse wêreld en die Nuwe Testament
    van Eck, Ernest
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 555-574
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  • Religion, theology and the social sciences in a society in transition
    de Villiers, Etienne
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 103-124
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  • The land: Primary category of faith
    Volschenk, G.J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 625-639
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  • Understanding student understanding in mathematics
    Mwakapenda, Willy
    Pythagoras; Issue 60 (2004); 28-35
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  • Die eenheid van die Filippensebrief: Oorwegings vanuit die gedagtestruktuur van die brief
    Jordaan, G.J.C.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 261-277
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  • Reading the Bible again with Marcus Borg
    Schutte, P.J.W. (Flip)
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 411-429
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  • The development of the common fraction concept in Grade Three learners
    Fraser, Claire; Murray, Hanlie; Hayward, Brenda; Erwin, Pat
    Pythagoras; Issue 59 (2004); 26-33
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  • Jona se “opstanding uit die dood”: Perspektiewe op die “opstandings-geloof” vanuit die...
    Human, Dirk J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 221-238
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  • “Historiese kritiek” as “teologiese eksegese” en die belang daarvan vir die...
    Malan, Gert J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 279-292
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  • Salvation in the Johannine Epistles
    van der Merwe, Dirk G.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 533-554
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  • Modelling of real-world problems is often the starting point for proof
    Mudaly, Vimolan
    Pythagoras; Issue 60 (2004); 36-43
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  • “Genes Я us” – Of juis nie? Oor determinisme en voluntarisme by die mens met verwysing...
    Buitendag, Johan
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 61-81
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  • Skuld, genade en lof in die liturgie
    Vos, C.J.A.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 641-650
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  • A dynamic approach to quadrilateral definitions
    Govender, Rajendran; de Villiers, Michael
    Pythagoras; Issue 59 (2004); 34-45
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  • HIV/AIDS, narrative practical theology, and postfoundationalism: The emergence of a new...
    Müller, Julian
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 293-306
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  • Erotiese oordrag en teenoordrag as psigologiese fenomeen in ’n pastorale relasie
    Dreyer, T.F; Dreyer, T.F.J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 155-173
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  • Perturbating the assessment of individuals and groups: Listening for challenges to...
    Breen, Chris
    Pythagoras; Issue 60 (2004); 2-12
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  • Sarah's submissiveness to Abraham: A socio-historic interpretation of the...
    Janse Van Rensburg, Fika
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 249-260
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  • Soul and psyche: The Bible in psychological perspective
    Smith, Willem J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 431-440
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  • A site-based model for professional development in mathematics at the elementary school...
    Mewborn, Denise S.; Huberty, Patricia D.
    Pythagoras; Issue 59 (2004); 2-7
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  • Reconsidering prepositions and Case assignment in the text of Revelation 4 and 5
    Riekert, S.J.P.K.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 349-367
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  • The Dead in Christ: Recovering Paul’s understanding of the after-life
    Cromhout, Markus
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 83-101
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  • Implementing the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards: A slow process
    Furner, Joseph M.
    Pythagoras; Issue 59 (2004); 46-56
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  • Eastern Cape teachers’ beliefs of the nature of mathematics: Implications for the...
    Webb, Lyn; Webb, Paul
    Pythagoras; Issue 60 (2004); 13-19
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  • ’n Alternatiewe formulier vir die bevestiging van dienaars van die Woord
    Beukes, M.J. de P
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 29-50
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  • The social class of the Baptist: Dissident retainer or peasant millennialist?
    Strijdom, Johan
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 441-458
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  • Huldigingswoord
    Dreyer, T.F.J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 1-5
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  • Whose Bible, mine or yours? Contested ownership and Bible translation in Southern Africa
    Punt, Jeremy
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 307-328
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  • World view theory and the conceptualisation of space in mathematics education
    Schäfer, Marc
    Pythagoras; Issue 59 (2004); 8-17
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  • The Banyamulenge people: Their angst, honour and shame in the light of the Matthean...
    Rukundwa, S.L.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 385-409
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  • The role of composition in the interpretation of the Rider on the white horse and the...
    de Villiers, Pieter G.R.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 125-153
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  • Chanting as mathematical enculturation
    Watson, Anne
    Pythagoras; Issue 60 (2004); 20-27
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  • Skrifbeskouing in die lig van postmoderniteit
    van Aarde, Andries G.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 503-532
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  • Het diskoersanalise ’n toekoms?
    du Toit, Andrie
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 207-220
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  • The Jerusalem Temple in Luke-Acts
    Taylor, N.H.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 459-485
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  • Ad fontes – terug na die Skrif, of na Jesus, of na die belydenis?
    van Wyk (jr), D.J.C.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 575-605
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  • The Banyamulenge of the Democratic Republic of Congo: A cultural community in the making
    Rukundwa, S.L.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 1/2 (2004); 369-383
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  • Meaningful contexts or dead mock reality: Which form will the everyday take?
    Sethole, Godfrey
    Pythagoras; Issue 59 (2004); 18-25
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  • The Role of the Personality of the Preacher in Preaching
    Chul Seung Lee, David
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 25, No 2 (2004); 534-545
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  • Understanding the role the Bible Society of South Africa played in the development of...
    Sieberhagen, F
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 25, No 2 (2004); 676-690
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  • Franciscus van Assisi: sy betekenis vir vandag!
    van Aarde, R B
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 25, No 2 (2004); 739-750
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  • Kerkbegrip van Balthasar Hubmaier
    Endres, E T
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 25, No 2 (2004); 460-479
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  • “Toward a Full Fledged Action Theory from a Perspective of Musical Transcendence”
    Hess, Lisa Maguire
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 25, No 2 (2004); 519-533
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  • De Rationaliteit van de Religieuze ervaring fideïsme en geloofsverantwoording
    Stoker, W
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 25, No 2 (2004); 691-710
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  • Publieke pastorale leiers 1: Roeping, werwing, keuring, opleiding, ordening
    Nel, Malan
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 25, No 2 (2004); 584-618
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  • The poetic structure and strategy of Psalm 79
    Botha, Phil J
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 25, No 2 (2004); 357-377
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  • Christian Sexual Ethics in a Time of HIV/AIDS – A Challenge for Public Theology
    Haspel, Michael
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 25, No 2 (2004); 480-501
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  • Teologie kroniek/Theology Chronicle: The Politics of Salvation: Values, Ideology and...
    Jansen, J
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 25, No 2 (2004); 784-806
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  • Politische Theologie in den Königspsalmen zwischen Ägypten und Assyrien Die...
    Otto, Eckart
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 25, No 2 (2004); 619-652
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