
  • History and religious experience in biblical research
    de Villiers, Pieter G.R.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 59, No 3 (2003); 693-714
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  • The foundation, value and meaning of baptism in the New Testament
    Groenewald, Jonanda
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 59, No 2 (2003); 367-383
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  • Enemies of Israel: Ruth and the Canaanite Woman
    Jackson, Glenna S.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 59, No 3 (2003); 779-792
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  • Die Nederduitsch Hervormde Sustersvereniging (NHSV) in 'n postmoderne samelewing
    Kloppers, Elsabé
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 59, No 2 (2003); 523-543
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  • Apparel shopping behaviour – Part 1: Towards the development of a conceptual...
    Du Preez, R
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 3 (2003)
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  • Past performance and future perspectives of burnout research
    Schaufeli, W. B.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 4 (2003)
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  • The predictive validity of the selection battery used for junior leader training within...
    Muller, Johannes; Schepers, Johann
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 3 (2003)
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  • Book review: Psychology in a work context (2nd Ed.)
    Tredoux, Nanette
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 2 (2003)
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  • Reliability of competency-based, multi-dimensional, multiple-rater performance ratings
    De Lange, M.; Fourie, L.; Van Vuuren, L. J.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 2 (2003)
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  • Occupational stress of emergency workers in Gauteng
    Naudé, J. L. P.; Rothmann, S.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 4 (2003)
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  • An exploration of individual experiences of constant organisational change
    Williams, K.; Crafford, A.; Fourie, L.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 2 (2003)
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  • The construction and evaluation of a scale of consumer shopping experience
    Gillham, B. A.; Crous, F.; Schepers, J. M.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 3 (2003)
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  • Job satisfaction among South African aircraft pilots
    Hoole, C.; Vermeulen, L. P.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 1 (2003)
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  • The prediction of job involvement for pharmacists and accountants
    Van Wyk, R.; Boschoff, A. B.; Cilliers, F. V. N.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 3 (2003)
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  • The postmodern consumer: Implications of changing customer expectations for...
    Van Tonder, C. L.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 3 (2003)
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  • Organisational inertia: Contrasting results in Australia and South Africa
    Roodt, Gert; Kinnear, Carli; Erwee, Ronel
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 2 (2003)
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  • Book Review: The Communicating Leader: The key to strategic alignment (2nd Ed)
    Birkenbach, X. C.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 3 (2003)
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  • Hofstede’s VSM-94 revisited: Is it reliable and valid?
    Kruger, Teresa; Roodt, Gert
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 1 (2003)
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  • Work status as a predictor of academic performance in the field of distance higher...
    Welman, J. C.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 1 (2003)
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  • Koherensiesin, selfdoeltreffendheid, lokus van beheer en uitbranding by maatskaplike...
    Rothmann, S.; Malan, H.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 4 (2003)
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  • A psychometric approach to supervisory competency assessment
    Vorster, A.; Roodt, G.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 3 (2003)
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  • Transformational leadership in business organisations ascending to world-class status:...
    De Kock, P. M.; Slabbert, J. A.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 1 (2003)
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  • Leadership style and its relation to employee attitudes and behaviour
    Mester, Cheryl; Visser, Deléne; Roodt, Gert; Kellerman, Rita
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 2 (2003)
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  • The internal career orientation of permanent and contracting information technology staff
    Havran, Hilda; Visser, Deléne; Crous, Freddie
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 3 (2003)
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  • Die verband tussen waargenome leierskap en die vlak van outonomie binne spanverband
    Van der Heyde, A.; Roodt, Gert
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 1 (2003)
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  • From identity to organisation identity: The evolution of a concept
    Van Tonder, C. L.; Lessing, B. C.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 2 (2003)
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  • Coping, stress and burnout in the South African police service in Kwazulu-natal
    Wiese, L.; Rothmann, S.; Storm, K.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 4 (2003)
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  • A conceptual and empirical validation of the household lifecycle concept in South Africa
    Van Rooyen, J.; Du Plessis, P. J.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 3 (2003)
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  • Die omvang en aard van afwesigheid in die werkplek: ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse gevalstudie
    Du Plessis, Anel; Visser, Deléne; Fourie, Linda
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 1 (2003)
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  • The effect of telfast® 180 on driver behaviour, decision-making and reaction time
    Schepers, Johann M.; Potter, Paul; Van Niekerk, Christo
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 3 (2003)
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  • The relationship between work-family conflict and central life interests amongst single...
    Wallis, Taryn; Price, Linda
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 1 (2003)
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  • Coping strategies in the South African police service
    Pienaar, J.; Rothmann, S.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 4 (2003)
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  • Die effek van ’n opbaanbeplanningsprogram op skoolverlaters in ’n voorheen...
    Jonker, C. S.; Scholtz, P. E.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 2 (2003)
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  • Validation of the high performance leadership competencies as measured by an assessment...
    Spangenberg, H. H.; Theron, C. C.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 2 (2003)
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  • Communication of job-related information and work family conflict in dual-career couples
    Theunissen, Bedelia; Van Vuuren, L. J.; Visser, Deléne
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 1 (2003)
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  • Possible cognitive processes underlying competency assessment
    Boshoff, A. B.; van Wyk, R.; Bester, C. L.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 3 (2003)
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  • The level of importance attached to price and quality in purchasing behaviour
    Brijball, S.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 1 (2003)
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  • Burnout and job stress in a local government: The moderating effect of sense of coherence
    Rothmann, S.; Jackson, L. T. B.; Kruger, M. M.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 4 (2003)
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  • What employers may learn from English higher education institutions: A fortigenic...
    Tytherleigh, M. Y.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 4 (2003)
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  • Construct validity of competency dimensions in a team leader assessment centre
    Greyling, Lee-Ann; Visser, Deléne; Fourie, Linda
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 2 (2003)
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  • The occupational effects of unconventional (custom-made) hearing protection for...
    Steenkamp, R. J.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 2 (2003)
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  • Negative self-regard at work – Frustrating the need for self-enhancement and...
    Credé, Marcus; Price, Linda
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 3 (2003)
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  • Client-consultant ethical relationship considerations within management consulting
    Smith, Alyson; Van Vuuren, L. J.; Visser, Deléne
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 1 (2003)
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  • The construct validity of Schepers’ locus of control inventory for black and white...
    Schaap, P.; Buys, M. A.; Olckers, C.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 1 (2003)
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  • Burnout and engagement: A South African perspective
    Rothmann, S.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 4 (2003)
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  • The dimensionality of professional commitment
    Bagraim, Jeffrey J.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 2 (2003)
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  • A psychometric analysis of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale in the South African...
    Storm, K.; Rothmann, S.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 4 (2003)
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  • Cognitive potential and job complexity as predictors of flow
    Percival, G.; Crous, F.; Schepers, J. M.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 2 (2003)
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  • The big five personality dimensions and job performance
    Rothmann, S.; Coetzer, E. P.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 1 (2003)
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  • Apparel shopping behaviour – Part 2: Conceptual theoretical model, market segments,...
    Du Preez, R.; Visser, E. M.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 3 (2003)
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  • The construct equivalence of the PIB/SpEEx motivation index for job applicants from...
    Schaap, P.; Basson, J. S.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 2 (2003)
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  • A systems psycho-dynamic perspective on burnout
    Cilliers, F.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 4 (2003)
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  • Book review: “Into the people effectiveness arena: Navigating between chaos and order”
    Pietersen, Herman J.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 1 (2003)
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  • The relationship between burnout, personality traits and coping strategies in a...
    Storm, K.; Rothmann, S.
    SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 29, No 4 (2003)
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  • Die hiërargiese funksionering van God, mans en vroue in die brief aan die Efesiërs
    Nortj, L
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 180-193
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  • Karl Heim se verstaan van tyd in die debat tussen teologie en natuurwetenskap
    Buitendag, J
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 15-28
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  • Forensic Metaphors in Romans and their soteriological significance
    du Toit, A B
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 53-79
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  • A Social-constructionist, narrative understanding of the Church’s morality on sex
    M, J C; Pienaar, H E
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 137-155
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  • ‘n Nuwe horison - Verkenning ten opsigte van ‘n sosiale geskiedenis van die...
    Saayman, W
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 195-212
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  • Digoeuvre van Cas Vos: die beliggaming van ‘n lewensvreugdespel
    Buscop, J
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 29-39
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  • The theological coherence between the Belhar confession and some antecedent church...
    Naude, P
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 156-179
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  • Ervaringsgeoriënteerde geloofsoordrag: geloofwaardige waarheid
    Kloppers, W C
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 104-112
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  • Perspektiewe vanuit die psigologie en sosiale wetenskappe vir kerklike bediening aan...
    Erasmus, J A; de Klerk, B J
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 80-92
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  • Die Sendingpraktyk van die Ned Geref Kerk: Enkele tendense vanaf 1952 tot met die...
    van der Watt, G
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 213-231
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  • Een ecclesiologie van de kleine gemeente
    de Roest, H P
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 40-52
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  • The “book of life” (Psalm 69:29) - a question of life or death?
    Groenewald, A
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 93-103
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  • Leiers wat dien en bédien. ‘n Pauliniese beskrywing van kerkleiers en hulle funksies...
    Vermeulen, J
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 232-248
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  • Konkrete uitdagings vir die kerk vandag
    Kritzinger, J J
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 113-123
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  • Teologie kroniek: Skrifverstaan en die Nuwe Hervorming1 Theology Chronicle:...
    Human, D J
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 260-275
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  • Micah 7:8-20: An apt conclusion to the book of Micah
    Wessels, W J
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 249-259
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  • Von Harnack, Marcion en die Ou Testament
    le Roux, J H
    Verbum et Ecclesia; Vol 24, No 1 (2003); 124-136
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  • The dividends from a revenue neutral tax on coal in South Africa
    de Wet, T. J.; van Heerden, J. H.
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 6, No 3 (2003); 473-497
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  • Contribution of support and incentive programs to entrepreneurial orientation and...
    Pretorius, Marius; van Vuuren, Jurie
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 6, No 3 (2003); 514-528
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  • The future of the South African retail pharmacy industry in the light of international...
    Wessels, Martin; Luiz, John
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 6, No 3 (2003); 612-626
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  • Redefining performance of direct sales people
    Msweli-Mbanga, P.; Lin, Chen T.
    South African Journal of Business Management; Vol 34, No 3 (2003); 29-40
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  • Contagion: Does it really exist or is it simply pseudo systemic risk?
    Frank, Ashley G.
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 6, No 3 (2003); 562-576
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  • African culture and managerial behaviour: Clarifying the connections
    Mufune, P.
    South African Journal of Business Management; Vol 34, No 3 (2003); 17-28
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  • The potential for monopoly rents from Etosha National Park, Namibia
    Ågren, Janet; Nyyssölä, Carita; Stage, Jesper
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 6, No 3 (2003); 459-472
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  • A panel data analysis of crime in South Africa
    Blackmore, F. L.E.
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 6, No 3 (2003); 439-458
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  • Organisational training perspectives in a changing South Africa
    Struwig, F. W.; Smith, E. E.; Venter, D. J.L.
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 6, No 3 (2003); 591-611
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  • The challenge of transformation: Breaking the barriers
    Esterhuyse, W. P.
    South African Journal of Business Management; Vol 34, No 3 (2003); 1-8
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  • Satisfaction with service recovery: Its measurement and its outcomes
    Boshoff, C.; Staude, G.
    South African Journal of Business Management; Vol 34, No 3 (2003); 9-16
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  • Employees’ perceptions of performance evaluation in the manufacturing industry
    Brand, H. E.; Pretorius, O. J.
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 6, No 3 (2003); 577-590
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  • Sharing business information with employees
    van der Walt, R.
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 6, No 3 (2003); 542-561
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  • Evaluating sectoral training: A utility tool for Setas
    Lee, Gregory J.
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 6, No 3 (2003); 498-513
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  • Measuring the impact of advertising and promotion expenditure at national, industry and...
    Tustin, D. H.; Strydom, J. W.
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 6, No 3 (2003); 627-640
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  • Line managements involvement in people management: A comparison between South Africa...
    Vermeulen, Leo
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 6, No 3 (2003); 529-541
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  • Relationship between share index volatility, basis and open interest in futures...
    Motladiile, B.; Smit, E. V.D.M.
    South African Journal of Business Management; Vol 34, No 3 (2003); 41-50
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  • Health professionals’ knowledge of prevention strategies and protocol following...
    Bodkin, C
    Curationis; Vol 26, No 4 (2003); 22-28
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  • The prevention of intrapartum HIV/Aids transmission from mother to child
    Roets, L
    Curationis; Vol 26, No 3 (2003); 12-20
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  • The experience of therapy by therapists and survivors after exposure to armed robbery
    Marais, SJ
    Curationis; Vol 26, No 4 (2003); 29-38
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  • “ Letting them die” - how HIV/AIDS intervention programmes often fail
    Office, Editorial
    Curationis; Vol 26, No 4 (2003); 4
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  • Standards to assure quality in nursing research
    Zeelie, SCD
    Curationis; Vol 26, No 3 (2003); 4-11
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  • Nursing students’ experiences during a rural community placement programme in Namibia -...
    lipinge, SN
    Curationis; Vol 26, No 4 (2003); 5-13
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  • Profiel van afgestudeerde B.Cur studente van 1997
    Ballack, S
    Curationis; Vol 26, No 3 (2003); 60-68
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  • Selected outcomes of community-oriented, problem-based nursing programmes in South Africa.
    Gwele, NS
    Curationis; Vol 26, No 3 (2003); 21-31
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  • DOTS for temporary workers in the agricultural sector. An exploratory study in...
    Clarke, M
    Curationis; Vol 26, No 4 (2003); 66-71
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  • A job analysis of selected health workers in a district health system in KwaZulu Natal...
    Uys, L.R.
    Curationis; Vol 26, No 3 (2003); 32-41
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  • Socio-cultural deterrents to family planning practices among Swazi women
    Ziyani, IS
    Curationis; Vol 26, No 4 (2003); 39-50
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  • Perception of the health of children living and working on the streets of Sunnyside -...
    Prinsloo, L
    Curationis; Vol 26, No 3 (2003); 69-77
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