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Health and Veterinary Sciences
A framework for continuous quality improvement for fast-track queues in clinics in eThekwini
Collaborative capacity development to complement stroke rehabilitation in Africa
Complexities and challenges in preventive audiology: An African perspective
Functional fitness for adults living with Down syndrome”
Genetiese bevindings in ‘n groep Afrikaners met skisofrenie
Medicinal Effects of Agathosma (Buchu) Extracts
Occupational noise induced hearing loss: An African perspective
Preventive audiology: An African perspective
Teaching Learners with Visual Impairment
The Walk Without Limbs: Searching for Indigenous Health Knowledge in a Rural Context of South Africa
Transformation of learning and teaching in rehabilitation sciences: A case study from South Africa
Working with indigenous knowledge: Strategies for health professionals
Humanities and Social Sciences
A scholarly contribution to educational praxis
A scholarly inquiry into disciplinary practices in educational institutions
Azibuye emasisweni: Reclaiming our space and centring our knowledge
Becoming a Teacher: Research on the Work-Integrated Learning of Student Teachers
Blended learning environments to foster self-directed learning
BRICS Education: A New Dawn
Contextualised open educational practices: Towards student agency and self-directed learning
Critical Issues in South African Education: Illumination from international comparative perspectives from the BRICS countries
Culture, philosophies and reforms in public administration for the globalizing world: A reflection on local, regional and international perspectives
Decolonization of e-Government Research and Practice: Exploring Contextual Issues and Opportunities in Africa
Digital developments and employment: Understanding trends in Africa
Digital Humanities in precarious times
Discipline in Education: Some less frequently explored issues
Education for Sustainable Development in BRICS: Zoom on Higher Education
Education Leadership: Scoping, perspectives and future trajectory
Education Studies in South Africa: The quest for Relevance, Rigour and Restructuring
Environmental Ergonomics of Commercial Kitchens in a Semi-Tropical City
Equitable Evaluation: Voices from the Global South
Factors impacting African women’s doctoral success
Higher education for public good: Perspectives on the new academic landscape in South Africa
Higher Education in the melting pot: Emerging discourses of the 4IR and Decolonisation
Human rights in diverse education contexts
Information knowledge and technology for Development in Africa
Information technology governance practices and inhibitors in South African private and public health care
Innovation for Inclusive Development and Transformation in South Africa
Innovations in online teaching and learning: Case studies of teacher educators from South Africa during the COVID-19 era
Innovative curriculum design: Bridging the theory–practice divide in work-integrated learning to foster Self-Directed Learning
Issues Around Aligning Theory, Research and Practice in Social Work Education
Leadership Approaches to Negotiate Challenges in a Changing Education Landscape
Leadership for change: Developing transformational student leaders through global learning spaces
Learning through assessment: An approach towards self-directed learning
Moral Issues in the Natural Sciences and Technologies
Music, Art & Emotion: Depictions of the Night inspired by Romantic Art Song
Perspectives on comprehensive internationalization of higher education
Problematising Local Indigenous Community Research: Afro-Sensed Perspectives
Problem-based learning and pedagogies of play: Active approaches towards Self-Directed Learning
Quality education: The nexus of human capital development, economic growth and social justice in a South African context
Raising the Impact of Education Research in Africa
Recalibrating teacher training in African higher education institutions: A focus on 21st-century pedagogical challenges
Reconceptualising education support services in South Africa
Scholarship of education and human rights in diversity: Engaging discourses from the South
Self-Directed Learning for the 21st Century: Implications for Higher Education
Self-Directed Learning in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic: Research on the affordances of online virtual excursions
Self-directed learning research and its impact on educational practice
Self-directed learning research: An imperative for transforming the educational landscape
Self-Directed Learning: An imperative for education in a complex society
Self-directed multimodal learning in higher education
Six Bricks®: A path to wellness in the educational and health systems
South Africa’s water governance hydraulic mission (1912–2008) in a WEF-Nexus context
Space, people and technology: Reclaiming the narrative on cities
States of exclusion: A critical systems theory reading of international law
Students’ participation in university governance in South Africa
Teaching Learners with Visual Impairment
The 4IR and teacher education in South Africa: Contemporary discourses and empirical evidence
The 4IR and the Humanities in South Africa: Perspectives on innovation, power and potentialities
The decolonisation of the curriculum project: The affordances of indigenous knowledge for self-directed learning
The e-Government Development Discourse: Analysing Contemporary and Future Growth Prospects in Developing and Emerging Economies
The Global South and comparative and international education: A Leitmotif
The Great Gatsby meets Alain Badiou: Rethinking fidelity in film adaptation
The Influence of Labour Legislation on Job Creation and Job Sustainability in South Africa
Towards a holistic approach to support learners at risk of interrupted development: Midst- and post-COVID-19 interventions
Towards the sustainable well-being of communities: Africa, the modern empire and Christianity
Understanding Education for the Visually Impaired
Voices from the South: Digital Arts and Humanities
Theological and Religious Studies
A critical engagement with theological education in Africa: A South African perspective
A treatise on Christian Banking
Biblical Theology of Life in the New Testament
Biblical Theology of Life in the Old Testament
Biblical Theology of prayer in the New Testament
Biblical Theology of prayer in the Old Testament
Christelike etiek in 'n sekulariserende samelewing
Christian ethics and political economy: Markers for a developing South Africa
Christian hermeneutics in South Africa
Contested body: Metaphors of dominion in Romans 5-8
Corruption in South Africa's liberal democratic context: Equipping Christian leaders and communities for their role in countering corruption
Dante se mistieke reis. Tweede Tog: Purgatorio
Debating Otherness with Richard Kearney: Perspectives from South Africa
Die waarheidsweg Dhammapada: Vertaal uit Pāli, verklaar, verstaan, vertolk
Ecodomy - Life in its fullness
Facing homelessness: Finding inclusionary, collaborative solutions
Faith Seeking Understanding
Finding a moral compass for South Africa: Where are we? Where could we go?
Foucault in Iran, 1978-1979
Healer: Reception of Jesus as healer during Early Christianity and Today
Honderd Jaar Kerk en Teologiese Opleiding: 'n Kroniek van die Hervormde Kerk
How Would we Know what God is up to?
Judging Q and saving Jesus: Q's contribution to the wisdom-apocalypticism debate in historical Jesus studies
Just faith: Glocal Responses to Planetary Urbanization
Justice-based ethics: Challenging South African perspectives
Life in Transit: Theological and Ethical Contributions on Migration
Living Water: An interdisciplinary exploration of water as a theological theme
Martin Luther: ʼn Inleiding tot sy lewe, denke en geskrifte
Mission moves: Cultivating communities of the Gospel
Missional Leadership
Mother Earth, Mother Africa and Theology
Nadenke oor 500 jaar se Reformatoriese teologie
Nicholas Bhekinkosi Hepworth Bhengu's lasting legacy: World's Best Black Soul Crusader
Perspectives on theology of religions
Philipp Melanchthon: Die denker, leermeester en opvoeder van die Reformasie
Powers, Inequalities and Vulnerabilities: Impact of globalisation on children, youth and families and on the mission of the Church
Praktiese ekklesiologie - Kerkwees in die 21ste eeu
Prosperity ethics: Habits and virtues of smart people in a changing world
Re-Authoring Life Narratives After Trauma: A Holistic Narrative Model of Care
Reconceiving Reproductive Health: Theological and Christian Ethical Reflections
Reformed theology today: Biblical and systematic-theological perspectives
Reformed theology today: Practical-theological, missiological and ethical perspectives
Resilience in a VUCA world: Reflections on teaching, learning and health in turbulent times
Science and Faith in Dialogue
Signposts to Silence: Metaphysical mysticism: theoretical map and historical pilgrimages
Speaking of Satan in Zambia: Making cultural and personal sense of narratives about Satanism
Spirituality in Diversity: South East Asia Meets South Africa - Towards a Global View of Spiritual Counselling
Taking a Deep Breath for the Story to Begin ...
The 1840 translation of the Gospel of Luke as a technology of power: A decolonial reflection
The Belgic Confession: Historical background, contextual meaning, contemporary relevance
The biblical concept of the ‘Davidic Covenant’ in 2 Samuel and Ezekiel and its implications for African leadership
The fabric(ation) of consciousness: A neuro-ecological perspective
The gift of life: Towards an ethic of flourishing personhood
The human dilemma of displacement: Towards a practical theology and ecclesiology of home
The Language of Faith in Southern Africa: Spirit World, Power, Community, Holism
The legacies of Albert Schweitzer reconsidered
The Place of Story and the Story of Place
Theologies of Childhood and the Children of Africa
Theological perspectives on re-imagining leadership in post-COVID-19 Africa
Theology at the University of Pretoria - 100 years: (1917-2017) Past, present and future
Togetherness in South Africa: Religious perspectives on racism, xenophobia and economic inequality
Trading Justice for Peace? Reframing Reconciliation in TRC Processes in South Africa, Canada and Nordic Countries
Triumphant Love: The contextual, creative and strategic missionary work of Amy Beatrice Carmichael in south India
Verskyning en verdwyning van ‘n verligte mens: ‘n Boeddha in Theravāda perspektief, mistiek vertolk
We cannot continue like this: Facing modernity in Africa and Europe
Welcoming Africa’s children – Theological and ministry perspectives
Youth Ministry: An Inclusive Missional Approach
Science, Engineering and Technology
Information technology governance practices and inhibitors in South African private and public health care
Space, people and technology: Reclaiming the narrative on cities
Economic and Management Sciences
Africa's digital future: From theory to action
Critical management studies in South Africa: Directions and contexts
Critical Management Studies in the South African context
Environmental Ergonomics of Commercial Kitchens in a Semi-Tropical City
Equitable Evaluation: Voices from the Global South
Financial inclusion: Basic theories and empirical evidence from African countries
Information technology governance practices and inhibitors in South African private and public health care
International trade and recovery strategies in Kenya in the context of COVID-19
Learning for a Better Future: Perspectives on Higher Education, Cities, Business & Civil Society
Local economies and pandemics: Regional perspectives
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Business and Finance
Proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Management Dynamics 2016: Sustainable economies in the information economy
Promoting sustainable local economic development initiatives: Case studies
Rethinking commerce education in South Africa: The case for change to develop future-fit business leaders
State-owned enterprises in Africa and the economics of public service delivery
Understanding and mitigating cyberfraud in Africa
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