
  • ’n Beknopte regshistoriese oorsig van die vereistes vir die totstandkoming van ’n...
    Robinson, J.A.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 69, No 3 (2004); 431-448
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  • Some aspects of imagery in the poetry of S.M. Burns-Ncamashe
    Mtumane, Z.
    Literator; Vol 25, No 2 (2004); 125-140
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  • Kenosis and the nature of the Persons in the Trinity
    Williams, D.T.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 69, No 4 (2004); 623-640
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  • 'Eat it again for the first time': Identity in a world of change
    Strauss, D.F.M.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 69, No 4 (2004); 555-574
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  • Reviews
    Office, Editorial
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 69, No 3 (2004); 527-543
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  • Islamic marriages in South Africa: Quo vadimus?
    Rautenbach, C.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 69, No 1 (2004); 121-152
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  • Reviews
    Office, Editorial
    Literator; Vol 25, No 2 (2004); 141-186
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  • Reviews
    Office, Editorial
    Literator; Vol 25, No 3 (2004); 289-294
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  • Reclaiming lost ground – the history play in Zulu
    Groenewald, H.C.
    Literator; Vol 25, No 1 (2004); 159-178
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  • The unwritten textbook of the folktale: A case study of 'Morongwa le...
    Letsie, M.M.
    Literator; Vol 25, No 3 (2004); 1-16
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  • ’n Skande- versus ’n skuldgeoriënteerde gewete: ’n Verklaring vir die botsing tussen...
    van der Walt, B.J.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 69, No 1 (2004); 27-56
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  • Litera
    Office, Editorial
    Literator; Vol 25, No 2 (2004); 187-204
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  • Litera
    Office, Editorial
    Literator; Vol 25, No 3 (2004); 295-326
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  • A cosmopolitan politics of loyalty
    Heyns, M.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 69, No 3 (2004); 449-472
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  • Reviews
    Office, Editorial
    Literator; Vol 25, No 1 (2004); 179-216
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  • Learner discipline: An Australian perspective
    Stewart, D.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 69, No 2 (2004); 317-336
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  • 'Medelyemoegheid' – die hantering van sekondêre traumatiese stres
    Coetzer, W.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 69, No 2 (2004); 199-220
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  • Die voorstelling van VIGS-verwante stigma in ’n versameling gedigte deur...
    Carstens, A.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 69, No 3 (2004); 411-430
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  • Misdaad en die impak daarvan op die mens – ’n Christelike perspektief
    Steyn, M.M.; Strydom, H.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 69, No 2 (2004); 337-358
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  • Mind control: The secret weapon utilised by religious cults to control their followers
    Pretorius, S.P.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 69, No 4 (2004); 607-622
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  • Wie skryf wat vir wie? ’n Outeursprofiel van die Afrikaanse kinder- en jeugprosa...
    Snyman, M.
    Literator; Vol 25, No 3 (2004); 17-42
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  • Clusters, roots and hierarchies of metaphors in Scripture and the quest for Christian...
    Botha, M.E.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 69, No 3 (2004); 499-526
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  • Good grief: Lord of the Flies as a post-war rewriting of salvation history
    van Vuuren, M.
    Literator; Vol 25, No 2 (2004); 1-26
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  • Litera
    Office, Editorial
    Literator; Vol 25, No 1 (2004); 217-236
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  • Period of internet usage: An indicator of the buying behaviour of internet users?
    du Plessis, PJ; Mostert, PG; North, EJ
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 1 (2004); 75-88
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  • The FDI-growth hypothesis: A VAR model for Nigeria
    Olomola, PA
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 1 (2004); 170-184
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  • A socio-economic analysis of african female street traders in the Johannesburg CBD
    Lalthapersad-Pillay, P
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 1 (2004); 22-44
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  • Customer service in the residential property market of South Africa
    Rudansky-KlopperS, S; Strydom, J
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 1 (2004); 58-74
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  • Modelling price determination in South Africa
    Moolman, E; du Toit, CB
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 1 (2004); 151-169
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  • The introduction of service fees by travel agencies: A case study in Bloemfontein
    Strydom, AJ
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 1 (2004); 45-57
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  • The effect of privatisation on front line employees in a service organisation
    Struwig, FW; Van Scheers, L
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 1 (2004); 1-21
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  • The effect of a budget deficit on inflation: The case of Tanzania
    Solomon, M; de Wet, WA
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 1 (2004); 100-116
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  • Modelling the impact of changes in the interest rates on the economy: An Austrian...
    Le Roux, P; Ismail, B
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 1 (2004); 132-150
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  • Perceived institutional obstacles in doing business: A comparative study of South...
    Co, MJ
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 1 (2004); 89-99
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  • A macroeconomic approach to estimating effective tax rates in South Africa
    Amusa, HA
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 1 (2004); 117-131
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  • Negotiating the new medicines regulatory framework: Some basic facts and observations
    Berger, Jonathan
    Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine; Vol 5, No 2 (2004); 38
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  • Your patient and confidentiality: A practical approach
    Rautenbach, P. G.D.
    Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine; Vol 5, No 2 (2004); 26
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  • HIV/AIDS treatment funding - do we wait for government's provision of HIV/AIDS...
    McDonald, Leighton
    Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine; Vol 5, No 2 (2004); 44
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  • Enrolment experience and the measurement of survival in a private sector HIV/AIDS...
    Hislop, M. S.; Regensberg, L. D.
    Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine; Vol 5, No 2 (2004); 15
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  • At long last....
    Martin, Des
    Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine; Vol 5, No 2 (2004); 5
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  • Lessons learned from mainstreaming HIV into the poverty eradication action plan in Uganda
    Butcher, Kate
    Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine; Vol 5, No 2 (2004); 30
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  • Pricing life: debating the issue. Western Cape Branch Meeting, February 2004
    Andrews, Steve; Keegan, Marilyn
    Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine; Vol 5, No 2 (2004); 18
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  • Mobilising communities
    Bekker, Linda-Gail
    Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine; Vol 5, No 2 (2004); 7
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  • 6 June 1944 - D-Day
    Eidelman, Irvine J
    South African Journal of Psychiatry; Vol 10, No 2 (2004); 2
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  • Electroconvulsive therapy and its use in modern-day psychiatry
    Prinsloo, S; Pretorius, P J
    South African Journal of Psychiatry; Vol 10, No 2 (2004); 7
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  • What constitutes healthy eating behaviour and lifestyle?
    Jordaan, Gerhard
    South African Journal of Psychiatry; Vol 10, No 2 (2004); 2
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  • Entrepreneurial attitudes: A distinction between two professional groups
    Van Wyk, R.; Boshoff, A. B.
    South African Journal of Business Management; Vol 35, No 2 (2004); 33-38
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  • Assessing company strength in South Africa using value added: 1990-2000
    King, C.; Hamman, W. D.
    South African Journal of Business Management; Vol 35, No 2 (2004); 39-55
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  • Talent retention in a changing workplace: An investigation of variables considered...
    Birt, M.; Wallis, T.; Winternitz, G.
    South African Journal of Business Management; Vol 35, No 2 (2004); 25-32
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  • BP case study: KM team structuration and sense-making (Part II)
    Gorelick, C.; April, K. A.
    South African Journal of Business Management; Vol 35, No 2 (2004); 15-24
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  • The management of the early stages of restructuring in a tertiary-education...
    Arnolds, C. A.; Boshoff, C.
    South African Journal of Business Management; Vol 35, No 2 (2004); 1-14
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  • A case of renal artery stenosis - FMD or artherosclerosis, a diagnostic dilemma
    Khan, N.; Makama, J.Z.
    South African Journal of Radiology; Vol 8, No 4 (2004); 16
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  • A case of dysphagia lusoria
    Fynn, E.; Makhayna, N.Z.; Nthle, L.M.
    South African Journal of Radiology; Vol 8, No 4 (2004); 39
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  • Hyatid arthritis on the hip joint with fatal outcome
    Kganakga, T.; Golele, R.
    South African Journal of Radiology; Vol 8, No 4 (2004); 34
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  • Descending necrotising mediastinitis
    Vermeulen, W.J.N.; Scheepers, P.A.; Khan, N.
    South African Journal of Radiology; Vol 8, No 4 (2004); 36
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  • Amoebic liver abscess with pleuropulmonary complications and enlarged gallbladder
    Modishi, M.H.; Ahmad, S.
    South African Journal of Radiology; Vol 8, No 4 (2004); 13
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  • Comparison of sonourethrography and retrograde urethrography in the evaluation of...
    Khan, N.; Modishi, H.M; Tsatsi, L.D.R.; Kahloon, A.; Segone, A.
    South African Journal of Radiology; Vol 8, No 4 (2004); 6
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  • Diagnosis of chronic inflammatory bowel disease - a dilemma
    Kisansa, M.E.
    South African Journal of Radiology; Vol 8, No 4 (2004); 32
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  • Variants of the left aortic arch branches
    Makhanya, N.Z.; Mamogale, R.T.; Khan, N.
    South African Journal of Radiology; Vol 8, No 4 (2004); 10
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  • Meningioma - a review of 52 cases
    Fynn, E.; Khan, N.; Ojo, A.
    South African Journal of Radiology; Vol 8, No 4 (2004); 3
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  • Middle aortic syndrome
    Khan, N.; Scheepers, P.A.; Thebe, D.C.
    South African Journal of Radiology; Vol 8, No 4 (2004); 30
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  • MRI detects more tumours than mammograms in high-risk women with genetic predisposition...
    Radiology, SA Journal of
    South African Journal of Radiology; Vol 8, No 4 (2004); 43
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  • A case of popliteal artery entrapment
    Scheepers, P.A.; Khan, N.; Vermeulen, W.J.N
    South African Journal of Radiology; Vol 8, No 4 (2004); 27
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  • The changing face of radiology
    Khan, N.; Fynn, E.
    South African Journal of Radiology; Vol 8, No 4 (2004); 2
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  • A case of idiopathic hypertrophic pachymeningitis
    Minné, C.; Khan, N.
    South African Journal of Radiology; Vol 8, No 4 (2004); 21
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  • A case of bilateral persistent sciatic arteries
    Boroto, K.; Scheepers, P.A.; Khan, N.
    South African Journal of Radiology; Vol 8, No 4 (2004); 19
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  • A case of atypical meningioma
    Mabiletsa, M.A.; Tsatsi, L.D.R.
    South African Journal of Radiology; Vol 8, No 4 (2004); 40
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  • Susceptibility of 7 freshwater gastropod species in Zimbabwe to infection with...
    Mukaratirwa, S.; Munjere, I.F.; Takawira, M.; Chingwena, G.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 4 (2004); 186-188
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  • Evaluation of hydroxypropyl-b-cyclodextrin in the treatment of aldicarb poisoning in...
    Verster, R.S.; Botha, C.J.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 4 (2004); 182-185
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  • Aldicarb poisoning of dogs and cats in Gauteng during 2003
    Verster, R.S.; Botha, C.J.; Naidoo, V.; Van Schalkwyk, O.L.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 4 (2004); 177-181
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  • Knowledge and attitudes of cattle owners regarding trypanosomosis control in...
    Magona, J.W.; Walubengo, J.; Olaho-Mukani, W.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 4 (2004); 173-176
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  • Retrospective study of snake envenomation in 155 dogs from the Onderstepoort area of...
    Lobetti, R.G.; Joubert, K.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 4 (2004); 169-172
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  • Index, Volume 75 - 2004 : author / Indeks, Jaargang 75 - 2004 : outeur
    Subject, Index
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 4 (2004); 197-198
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  • Diagnostic value of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography for oral masses...
    Kafka, U.C.M.; Carstens, A.; Steenkamp, G.; Symington, H.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 4 (2004); 163-168
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  • Index, Volume 75 - 2004 : subject / Indeks, Jaargang 75 - 2004 : onderwerp
    Subject, Index
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 4 (2004); 193-196
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  • The inheritance of liability to epistaxis in the southern African Thoroughbred
    Weideman, H.; Schoeman, S.J.; Jordaan, G.F.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 4 (2004); 158-162
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  • Cattle Plague - A History, C.A. Spinage : book review
    Van Vuuren, M.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 4 (2004); 162, 181
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  • Effect of strategic deworming of village cattle in Uganda with moxidectin pour-on on...
    Magona, J.W.; Musisi, G.; Walubengo, J.; Olaho-Mukani, W.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 4 (2004); 189-192
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  • Veterinary education in South Africa : the class of 1926 : short historical communication
    Bigalke, R.D.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 4 (2004); 155-157
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  • Concomitant leg injuries in raptors with wing damage : to the editor
    Buttle, E. Pohlandt
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 4 (2004); 154
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  • Everyday homeopathy for animals, Francis Hunter : book review
    Fraser, J.M.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 3 (2004); 120
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  • Primary ciliary dyskinesia in a Staffordshire bull terrier : clinical communication
    De Scally, M.; Lobetti, R.G.; Van Wilpe, E.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 3 (2004); 150-152
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  • Nocardia farcinica - a significant cause of mastitis in goats in Sudan : short...
    Maldonado, L.A.; Hamid, M.E.; Gamal El Din, O.A.; Goodfellow, M.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 3 (2004); 147-149
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  • Evaluation of a quadrivalent inactivated vaccine for the protection of cattle against...
    Patel, J.R.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 3 (2004); 137-146
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  • Helminths in horses : use of selective treatment for the control of strongyles
    Matthee, S.; McGeoch, M.A.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 3 (2004); 129-136
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  • The use of a bacterin vaccine in broiler breeders for the control of Ornithobacterium...
    Bisschop, S.P.R.; Van Vuuren, M.; Gummow, B.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 3 (2004); 125-128
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  • Are urea and creatinine values reliable indicators of azotaemia in canine babesiosis?
    De Scally, M.P.; Lobetti, R.G.; Reyers, F.; Humphris, D.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 3 (2004); 121-124
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  • Antibodies reactive with Bartonella henselae and Ehrlichia canis in dogs from the...
    Kelly, P.J.; Eoghain, G. Nic; Raoult, D.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 3 (2004); 116-120
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  • Does the A-line ARX-Index provide a reasonable assessment of anaesthetic depth in dogs...
    Joubert, K.E.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 3 (2004); 110-115
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  • Suppurative rhinitis associated with Haemophilus species infection in a cat : clinical...
    Milner, R.J.; Horton, J.H.; Crawford, P.C.; O'Kelley, J.; Nguyen, A.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 2 (2004); 103-107
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  • The use of the standard exercise test to establish the clinical significance of mild...
    Meyer, C.; Gerber, R.; Guthrie, A.J.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 2 (2004); 100-102
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  • Diagnosis of feline haemoplasma infection using a real-time PCR assay
    Lobetti, R.G.; Tasker, S.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 2 (2004); 94-99
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  • Detection of bovine viral diarrhoea virus in specimens from cattle in South Africa and...
    Kabongo, N.; Van Vuuren, M.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 2 (2004); 90-93
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  • A retrospective case series of computer-controlled total intravenous anaesthesia in...
    Joubert, K.E.; Keller, N.; Du Plessis, C.J.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 2 (2004); 85-89
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  • Severe hypoxaemia in field-anaesthetised white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) and...
    Bush, M.; Raath, J.P.; Grobler, D.; Klein, L.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 2 (2004); 79-84
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  • First record of Contracaecum spp. (Nematoda : Anisakidae) in fish-eating birds from...
    Barson, M.; Marshall, B.E.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 2 (2004); 74-78
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  • Midazolam / ketamine induction and isoflurane maintenance of anaesthesia in a...
    Stegmann, G.F.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 1 (2004); 43-44
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  • The use of dried bakery products in a free-choice feeding method for small-scale...
    Madiya, A.T.; McCrindle, C.M.E.; Veary, C.M.; Bisschop, S.P.R.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 1 (2004); 72
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  • Cutaneous hypersensitivity induced in rabbits by extracts of the tick Amblyomma...
    Hlatshwayo, M.; Szabo, M.J.P.; Bechara, G.H.; Mbati, P.A.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 1 (2004); 37-39
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  • Veterinary education in South Africa : the Class of 1925 : short historical communication
    Bigalke, R.D.
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 75, No 1 (2004); 4-6
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