
  • Plant communities and landscapes of the Parque Nacional do Limpopo, Moçambique
    Stalmans, M.; Gertenbach, W.P.D.; Carvalho-Serfontein, Filipa
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 2 (2004); 61-81
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  • Ranging of older male elephants introduced to an existing small population without...
    Slotow, R.; van Dyk, G.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 2 (2004); 91-104
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  • Plant nematodes in South Africa. 7. A check list of plant nematodes from the Fynbos...
    Marais, M.; van der Berg, E.; Swart, A.; Tiedt, L.R.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 1 (2004); 67-78
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  • The vegetation of Tshanini Game Reserve and a comparison with equivalent units in the...
    Gaugris, J.Y.; Matthews, W.S.; van Rooyen, M.W.; Bothma, J. du P.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 1 (2004); 9-29
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  • The application of life history information to the conservation management of...
    Terblanche, R.F.; van Hamburg, H.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 1 (2004); 55-65
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  • Macro channel riparian vegetation of the Olifants River System in the Savanna Biome,...
    Myburgh, W.J.; Bredenkamp, G.J.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 2 (2004); 37-60
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  • Distribution and status of marine invasive species in and bordering the West Coast...
    Robinson, T.B.; Griffiths, C.L.; Kruger, N.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 1 (2004); 79-87
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  • A vegetation description and floristic analyses of the springs on the Kammanassie...
    Cleaver, G.; Brown, L.R.; Bredenkamp, G.J.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 2 (2004); 19-36
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  • Altertative trophy measuring techniques for African buffalo
    Gandy, S.E.; Reilly, B.K.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 1 (2004); 119-124
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  • Short Note: New breeding locality for Crowned Cormorant
    Whittington, P.A.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 2 (2004); 125-126
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  • Factors that determine the price of game
    van der Merwe, P.; Saayman, M.; Krugell, W.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 2 (2004); 105-113
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  • A profile of tourists visiting the Kruger National Park
    Saayman, M.; Slabbert, E.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 1 (2004); 1-8
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  • Macro-channel riparian vegetation of the Olifants River System in the Grassland Biome,...
    Myburgh, W.J.; Bredenkamp, G.J.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 1 (2004); 41-54
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  • Harvesting impacts on commonly used medicinal tree species (Catha edulis and Rapanea...
    Botha, J.; Witkowski, E.T.F.; Shackleton, C.M.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 2 (2004); 1-18
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  • Impact of harvesting and fire on Phragmites australis reed quality in Tembe Elephant...
    van Rooyen, M.W.; Tosh, C.A.; van Rooyen, N.; Matthews, W.S.; Kellerman, M.J.S.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 1 (2004); 31-40
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  • Population demography and spatial ecology of a reintroduced lion population in the...
    Druce, D.; Genis, Heleen; Braak, J; Greatwood, Sophie; Delsink, Audrey; Kettles, R.; Hunter, L.; Slotow, R.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 1 (2004); 103 - 118
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  • The micromorphology of the African buffalo louse Haematopinus bufali as observed under...
    Turner, M.L.; Labuschagne, C.; Green, E.D.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 2 (2004); 83-90
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  • Community involvement in the development of an environmental education programme: the...
    Swanepoel, C.H.; Loubsser, C.P.; Schaller, E.M.J.C.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 2 (2004); 115-123
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  • Post-release ranging behaviour of hand-raised black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis, L. in...
    Matipano, G.
    Koedoe; Vol 47, No 1 (2004); 89-101
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  • Huldigingswoord
    Buitendag, Johan
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 659-664
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  • African witchcraft in theological perspective
    van Wyk, I.W.C.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 1201-1228
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  • Die nie al te wyse Salomo
    Scheffler, Eben
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 769-789
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  • Durf ons nog preek dat werk ’n roeping van God is?
    de Villiers, Etienne
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 901-918
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  • A woman praised by women is better than a woman praised by seven men
    Loader, James A.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 687-701
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  • Ontferming “beyond” vergeving als weg naar heling en heelheid: Een theoretisch model...
    van der Schaaf, Tiny
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 1127-1147
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  • “God, die Allerhoogste, woon nie in mensgemaakte konstruksies nie”
    Dreyer, T.F.J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 665-672
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  • Die Bybel in die geding: Teks versus dogma
    Spies, Lina
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 1065-1083
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  • Psalm 101: Inaugural address or social code of conduct?
    Botha, Phil J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 725-741
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  • Die psalms as himnes in ’n liturgiese konteks
    Vos, C.J.A.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 673-686
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  • The Vorlage of Psalm 45:6-7 (44:7-8) in Hebrews 1:8-9
    Steyn, Gert J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 1085-1103
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  • Aggression, anger and violence in South Africa
    Masango, M.J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 993-1006
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  • Teenswoordige geskiedenis: Michel Foucault in gesprek met die teologie
    Beukes, Johann
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 883-899
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  • A public practical theological theory for religious education of secularised youth
    Dreyer, Yolanda
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 919-945
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  • Hoe akkuraat kan ’n Bybelvertaling wees? [vreemd taal weggelaat] in 1 Johannes 5:1-4 as...
    van der Watt, Jan
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004)
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  • Samgar ben Anat onder die Rigters
    Snyman, S.D.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 831-841
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  • Postmoderne epistemologie en postkoloniale hermeneutiek
    van Aarde, Andries G.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 1105-1125
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  • Reviewing history in apocalyptic literature as ideological strategy
    Venter, P.M.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 703-723
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  • A cognitive linguistic approach to the emotion of anger in the Old Testament
    Kotzé, Zacharias
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 843-863
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  • Günter Altner se jukstaponering van die denksisteme van Schweitzer en Darwin as...
    Buitendag, Johan
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 865-881
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  • Coercive agency in mission education at Lovedale Missionary Institution
    Duncan, Graham A.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 947-992
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  • Die nuwe Psalmomdigting: Die Messias weggelaat?
    Van Rooy, H.F.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 755-767
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  • Die mag van religieuse idees
    le Roux, Jurie
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 743-753
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  • Stories about care: Women in a historically disadvantaged community infected and/or...
    Müller, Julian C.; Pienaar, Sunette
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 1029-1047
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  • Verby objektivisme en relativisme: Op weg na nuwe fondamente vir historiese Jesus-studies
    Ingram, Riaan
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 1007-1028
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  • Die opstanding van Jesus Christus as historiese gebeure
    van Eck, Ernest
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 1173-1200
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  • Jac van Belkum (1851-1933): ’n Middelkonfessionele predikant van die Nederduitsch...
    Pretorius, Christo
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 1049-1064
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  • Joodse narratiewe van die Persiese tydvak: Ideologie?
    Spangenberg, I.J.J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 791-813
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  • ’n Eko-billike beoordeling van Psalm 148
    Viviers, H.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 60, No 3 (2004); 815-830
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  • News
    Spencer Jones, Jonathan
    South African Journal of Psychiatry; Vol 10, No 4 (2004); 1
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  • Culture and information: Odd bedfellows?
    Berner, Sam
    SA Journal of Information Management; Vol 6, No 1 (2004)
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  • Key intelligence needs. Roadmap of your competitive intelligence capability and activities
    Muller, Marie-Luce
    SA Journal of Information Management; Vol 6, No 1 (2004)
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  • Internet applications, sites, trends and happenings
    Raitt, David
    SA Journal of Information Management; Vol 6, No 1 (2004)
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  • Underage and wired. Safeguarding children in the age of Infobahn
    Berner, Sam
    SA Journal of Information Management; Vol 6, No 1 (2004)
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  • Computer-mediated communication and knowledge sharing in a South African context
    van Deventer, J.P.; Snyman, M.M.M.
    SA Journal of Information Management; Vol 6, No 1 (2004)
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  • Information environment of teleworkers in South Africa
    Nortje, H.; van Brakel, P. A.; Rensleigh, C.
    SA Journal of Information Management; Vol 6, No 1 (2004)
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  • On the trail of an information professional
    Sutton, Melanie
    SA Journal of Information Management; Vol 6, No 1 (2004)
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  • SAJIM and accreditation
    van der Merwe, Derek
    SA Journal of Information Management; Vol 6, No 1 (2004)
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  • Effectiveness of the Web as a competitive intelligence tool
    Sewlal, R.
    SA Journal of Information Management; Vol 6, No 1 (2004)
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  • Web phenomenon applied as ICT platform in support of business model innovation
    Steenkamp, C.J.H.; Arnoldi-van der Walt, S.E.
    SA Journal of Information Management; Vol 6, No 1 (2004)
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  • Tim Berners-Lee's Semantic Web
    Kuck, G.
    SA Journal of Information Management; Vol 6, No 1 (2004)
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  • SMS marketing: It's place in mobile commerce and opportunity in the South African...
    Jansen van Ryssen, Frik
    Acta Commercii; Vol 4, No 1 (2004); 48-59
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  • The contribution of familiness to the performance of family businesses
    Venter, W. P.; Kruger, S.
    Acta Commercii; Vol 4, No 1 (2004); 14-28
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  • Project management in Ghana: Expectations, realities and barriers to use
    Ofori, Daniel F.; Hinson, Robert
    Acta Commercii; Vol 4, No 1 (2004); 88-102
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  • Get noticed and stay relevant to web users!
    Grove, Tania; Bootha, Essias
    Acta Commercii; Vol 4, No 1 (2004); 1-13
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  • Internationalisation and financing options of Ghanaian SMEs
    Abor, Joshua
    Acta Commercii; Vol 4, No 1 (2004); 60-72
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  • The process of auditing projects by the review of its critical success factors
    McDonald, R.
    Acta Commercii; Vol 4, No 1 (2004); 103-110
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  • Job satisfaction: An analysis of middle managers in the South African Police Service
    Bellingan-Timmer, Renate
    Acta Commercii; Vol 4, No 1 (2004); 29-36
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  • The supervision of research for dissertations and theses
    Lessing, N.; Lessing, A. C.
    Acta Commercii; Vol 4, No 1 (2004); 73-87
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  • An imminent collapse of the global money system?
    Silvis, J.; Lessing, N.
    Acta Commercii; Vol 4, No 1 (2004); 37-47
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  • Use of the Judicial Section 9 Certification in the Free State
    Meyer, S J; Slabber, M; van Rensburg, P HJJ; Nel, M
    South African Journal of Psychiatry; Vol 10, No 4 (2004); 5
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  • Self-testing in psychiatry
    Seedat, Soraya
    South African Journal of Psychiatry; Vol 10, No 4 (2004); 2
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  • Neuropsychiatry and behavioural psychology
    Weich, Lize
    South African Journal of Psychiatry; Vol 10, No 4 (2004); 1
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  • Socio-demographic and psychosocial predictors of rheumatoid arthritis health outcome
    Naidoo, Pamela; Lindegger, Graham C; Mody, Girish M
    South African Journal of Psychiatry; Vol 10, No 4 (2004); 10
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  • Second-generation antipsychotics - a panacea?
    Carey, Paul D; Stein, Dan; Emsley, Robin
    South African Journal of Psychiatry; Vol 10, No 4 (2004); 3
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  • Conditions for successful land reform in Africa
    Groenewald, JA
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 4 (2004); 673-682
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  • Not by bread alone: Official development assistance in South Africa
    Ohiorhenuan, JFE
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 4 (2004); 571-580
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  • Rural finance institutions, markets and policies in Africa
    Pederson, G
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 4 (2004); 643-651
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  • Markets, trade and the role of institutions in African development
    Roe, T
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 4 (2004); 664-672
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  • Reform of irrigation management and investment policy in African development
    Easter, KW; Zekri, S
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 4 (2004); 652-663
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  • Economic impact of cultural events
    Saayman, M; Saayman, A
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 4 (2004); 629-642
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  • Management of water extremes: A South African perspective on guidelines for policy and...
    Viljoen, MF; Backeberg, GR
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 4 (2004); 693-700
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  • Entrepreneurial networks: Findings from a South African study
    Mitchell, BC; Co, MJ
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 4 (2004); 589-600
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  • The pricing of trees: A study of hold-ups, holdouts, buy-outs and sell-offs
    Reekie, WD
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 4 (2004); 616-628
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  • AIDS and economic growth in South Africa
    Smith, RBW
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 4 (2004); 683-692
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  • The awareness of HIV/AIDS in small enterprises in a sector of the fast moving consumer...
    Anders, C; Botha, MM
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 4 (2004); 581-588
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  • An assessment of apple orchard investments in South Africa under uncertainty and...
    Darroch, MAG; Hardman, PA; Ortmann, GF
    South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 7, No 4 (2004); 601-615
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  • The psychiatric outpatient's family as a support system
    du Plessis, Emmerentia; Greeff, M; Koen, M P
    Health SA Gesondheid; Vol 9, No 2 (2004)
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  • Health workers' use of electronic information concerning children with specific...
    Wium, A M; Naudé, E
    Health SA Gesondheid; Vol 9, No 2 (2004)
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  • Editorial Comments/ Redaksionele Kommentaar
    Nolte, Anna
    Health SA Gesondheid; Vol 9, No 1 (2004)
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  • Effect of diminazene block treatment on live redwater vaccine reactions
    Combrink, M.P.; Troskie, P.C.
    Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research; Vol 71, No 2 (2004); 113-117
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  • Conceptualising a system for quality clinical decision-making in nursing
    Arries, Ebin J; Nel, Elzabé
    Health SA Gesondheid; Vol 9, No 3 (2004)
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  • Evidence of possible evasion of protective immunity by NAD-independent isolates of...
    Bragg, R.R.
    Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research; Vol 71, No 1 (2004); 53-58
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  • Accessibility of district health nursing services in the greater Bronkhorstspruit
    Mashia, E O; van Wyk, N C
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  • A sero-epidemiological survey of blood parasites in cattle in the north-eastern Free...
    Mtshali, M.S.; De Waal, D.T.; Mbati, P.A.
    Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research; Vol 71, No 1 (2004); 67-75
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  • Epidemiology of gastrointestinal helminths infections in Dorper sheep in a semi-arid...
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    Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research; Vol 71, No 3 (2004); 219-226
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  • Use of scanning electron microscopy to confirm the identity of lice infesting...
    Sebei, P.J.; McCrindle, C.M.E.; Green, E.D.; Turner, M.L.
    Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research; Vol 71, No 2 (2004); 87-92
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  • The pCS20 PCR assay for Ehrlichia ruminantium does not cross-react with the novel deer...
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    Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research; Vol 71, No 2 (2004); 99-105
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  • Endemic stability for Theileria parva infections in Ankole calves of the Ankole...
    Kivaria, F.M.; Heuer, C.; Jongejan, F.; Okello-Onen, J.; Rutagwenda, T.; Unger, F.; Boehle, W.
    Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research; Vol 71, No 3 (2004); 189-195
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  • Guidelines for the management of unethical behaviour in homes for older persons
    O'Donoghue, Kim; Jooste, Karien; Botes, Annatjie
    Health SA Gesondheid; Vol 9, No 1 (2004)
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  • Comparison of three different media for freezing of epididymal sperm from the African...
    Herold, F.C.; De Haas, K.; Cooper, D.; Colenbrander, B.; Nothling, J.O.; Theunisen, W.; Spillings, B.; Gerber, D.
    Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research; Vol 71, No 3 (2004); 203-210
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