
  • Die kultuurtaak van die skool: Opvoeding tot beskawingsmondigheid: ’n Christelik -...
    Schoeman, P. G.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 55, No 1-4 (1990); 521-534
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  • VIGS en die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomiese en bestuurswêreld - Enkele perspektiewe
    Schutte, P. C.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 55, No 1-4 (1990); 377-394
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  • Die kultuurtaak van die skool: Opvoeding tot beskawingsmondigheid: ’n Christelik -...
    Schoeman, P. G.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 55, No 1-4 (1990); 511-520
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  • Die immunologie van HIV
    van der Walt, M.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 55, No 1-4 (1990); 297-316
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  • Die rituaal van die Nagmaal
    van der Walt, J. J.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 55, No 1-4 (1990); 179-195
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  • Die Nagmaal as ’n maaltyd
    Venter, C. J.H.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 55, No 1-4 (1990); 79-94
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  • Die Pasga in die Nagmaal
    Helberg, J.L. L.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 55, No 1-4 (1990); 17-32
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  • Die behandeling van VIGS - Geneesmiddels en vaksiene - Wat hou die toekoms in?
    van der Schyf, C. J.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 55, No 1-4 (1990); 317-328
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  • Inleiding: Speciale uitgawe oof Vigs
    Office, Editorial
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 55, No 1-4 (1990); 295-296
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  • Die Pasga en sy boodskap in die tyd van die Ou Testament
    van Rooy, H. F.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 55, No 1-4 (1990); 5-16
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  • Eskatologiese perspektiewe in die Nagmaal
    Bingle, P. W.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 55, No 1-4 (1990); 101-114
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  • Gedagtenis, verkondiging en gemeenskap as aspekte van die Nagmaal: ’n Vergelykende...
    Jordaan, G. J.C.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 55, No 1-4 (1990); 51-66
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  • New books
    Office, Editorial
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 55, No 1-4 (1990); 411-414
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  • God as Father: The maleness of God
    Williams, D. T.
    Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap; Vol 55, No 1-4 (1990); 259-276
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  • Faith, language and experience: An analysis of the feeling of absolute dependence
    Mouton, E.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 3 (1990); 345-358
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  • Ou-Testamentiese perspektiewe op die definisie van die prediking
    Oberholzer, J. P.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 4 (1990); 647-655
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  • Huisbesoek
    Booysen, D. J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 4 (1990); 567-581
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  • Die ouderling en die regeervergaderings in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk
    Botha, S. J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 4 (1990); 528-541
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  • The strophic structure of the eulogy of Ephesians 1:3-14
    Barkhuizen, J. H.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 3 (1990); 390-413
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  • Dirk van der Hoff: Skeurmaker?
    Oliver, E.; Pont, A. D.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 3 (1990); 414-427
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  • Gesprek tussen teoloë en filosowe oor postmoderniteit
    Office, Editorial
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 3 (1990); 265-266
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  • Holisme: Die herowering van ’n ou wysheid in ’n moderne konteks
    Schoeman, M. J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 3 (1990); 267-292
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  • Die na-binne of introverte gerigtheid van ‘Kerk en wêreld 2000’
    Koekemoer, J. H.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 4 (1990); 708-715
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  • Sing to Jahweh!... Cursed be the day on which I was born! A paradoxical harmony in...
    Bezuidenhout, L. C.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 3 (1990); 359-366
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  • Die Calvinistiese Sondagbeskouing met spesiale verwysing na Sondagsport en die...
    Smith, D. J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 4 (1990); 596-612
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  • Petrus Johannes Theobaltus Koekemoer - teoloog saam en soos die kerk
    Botha, S. J.; van der Westhuizen, H. G.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 4 (1990); 487-496
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  • Religieuse ervaring: Aspoestertjie van teologiese besinning
    Veldsman, D. P.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 3 (1990); 323-344
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  • Proefskrif- en boekbespreking
    Office, Editorial
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 3 (1990); 447-481
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  • Die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk en sy bediening in ’n toekomstige Suid-Afrika: Die...
    van der Merwe, P. J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 4 (1990); 672-689
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  • P J Hoedemaker: ‘Wat ék bedoel, is die behoud van die kerk’
    van Wyk, D. J. C.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 4 (1990); 497-512
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  • Paradigma-verandering, relativisme en rasionaliteit
    Antonites, A. J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 3 (1990); 312-322
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  • Kinders in die erediens
    Beukes, M. J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 4 (1990); 613-646
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  • Verkondig Christus totdat hy kom! Die huidige denke binne die Evangeliese Beweging
    Kritzinger, J. J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 3 (1990); 428-445
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  • Die ‘Proslogion C2-4’ van Anselmus van Kantelberg (1033/34-1109 nC)
    Engelbrecht, B. J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 4 (1990); 513-527
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  • Holisme as ’n postmodernistiese filosofie in teologiese lig
    van Aarde, A. G.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 3 (1990); 293-311
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  • Die filosofie van Immanuel Kant en Protestants-teologiese denkstrukture
    Dreyer, P. S.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 4 (1990); 582-595
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  • Die paradigmas van ‘Kerk en wêreld 2000’
    Buitendag, J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 4 (1990); 690-707
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  • Besinning oor die apostolaat in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk
    van der Westhuizen, H. G.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 4 (1990); 542-566
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  • Jesaja 40:1-2 - Suiwer evangelie!
    da Silva, A. A.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 4 (1990); 656-671
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  • Narratological perspectives on John 13:1-38
    du Rand, J. A.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 3 (1990); 367-389
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  • Kom ons stem: Wat het Jesus regtig gesê?
    Botha, J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 1/2 (1990); 15-35
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  • Ansatzpunkte für eine Theologie des Neuen Testaments bei Oscar Cullmann und Leonhard...
    Gräbe, P. J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 1/2 (1990); 85-101
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  • Hervormde Teologiese Studies Ortografiese vereistes
    Office, Editorial
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 1/2 (1990); 3-13
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  • Profete in Israel: ’n Probleemstelling
    Deist, F. E.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 1/2 (1990); 71-84
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  • A multifarious understanding of eschatology in Ephesians: A possible solution to a...
    Lemmer, H. R.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 1/2 (1990); 102-119
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  • Verhandeling- en boekbespreking
    Office, Editorial
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 1/2 (1990); 223-262
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  • The task of understanding the Gospel traditions: Werner Kelber’s contribution to New...
    Botha, P. J. J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 1/2 (1990); 47-70
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  • Nog nadenke na aanleiding van ‘Nadenke van ’n Afrikaner’ deur HJC Pieterse
    van Niekerk, A. S.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 1/2 (1990); 207-221
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  • Oor eksegetiese metodes en nog wat: ’n Gesprek
    Prinsloo, W. S.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 1/2 (1990); 144-152
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  • Wetenskapsteorie, eksegetiese metodologie en Ou Testament teologie
    Swanepoel, M. G.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 1/2 (1990); 190-206
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  • Tradition and interpretation: Twenty-five attempted approaches - in honour of E Earle...
    Lombard, H. A.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 1/2 (1990); 120-143
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  • Polarity: The theology of anti-Judaism in Ephrem the Syrian’s hymns on Easter
    Botha, P. J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 1/2 (1990); 36-46
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  • Markus 16:1-8 in die konteks van ’n konstniksie van die Markaanse gemeente
    Strijdom, J. M.; van Aarde, A. G.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 46, No 1/2 (1990); 153-189
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  • Communicative competence in a group of visually impaired children
    Simpson, Michelle; Shapiro, Glenda
    South African Journal of Communication Disorders; Vol 36, No 1 (1989); 23–28
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  • Sunesius van Kurene: Himne VIII
    Barkhuizen, J.H.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; 142–149
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  • New listings share price behaviour on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange
    Bhana, N.
    South African Journal of Business Management; Vol 20, No 4 (1989); 195-203
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  • Gelykrelige himnes
    Hendrickx, B.; Barkhuizen, J.H.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; 158–174
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  • Die Lampe-himne
    Windell, J.H.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; 107–111
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  • Gregorius van Nazianzus
    Swart, G.J.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; 133–141
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  • Language intervention at schools: Changing orientations within the South African context
    Alant, Erna
    South African Journal of Communication Disorders; Vol 36, No 1 (1989); 9–13
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  • Voorwoord
    Barkhuizen, J.H.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; xi–xii
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  • Some characteristics of personal interaction in groups and their effects on performance
    Nel, D.; Pitt, L. F.
    South African Journal of Business Management; Vol 20, No 4 (1989); 188-194
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  • Methodius van Olimpus: Die lied van Thekla en die maagde
    Barkhuizen, J.H.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; 119–132
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  • Die Goeie Vrydag Alfabet-himne
    Basson, A.F.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; 191–198
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  • Die kombinering van ekonomiese vooruitskattings in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks
    Calitz, C. B.; Smit, E. V.D.M.
    South African Journal of Business Management; Vol 20, No 4 (1989); 178-183
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  • Single case experimental designs: An essential service in communicatively disabled care
    Uys, Isabel C.
    South African Journal of Communication Disorders; Vol 36, No 1 (1989); 53–59
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  • Keiser Justinianus I: O, Unieke Seun van God
    Barkhuizen, J.H.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; 155–157
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  • Some critical factors in personal financial planning
    De Wit, P. W.C.
    South African Journal of Business Management; Vol 20, No 4 (1989); 184-187
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  • Inleiding
    Barkhuizen, J.H.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; 1–16
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  • Ignatius
    Stander, H.F.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; 98–106
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  • Die invloed van sekere kontekstuele faktore op stemaanvangstyd, vokaalduur en...
    van der Merwe, A.; Uys, I. C.; Loots, J. M.; Grimbeek, R. J.; Jansen, L. P.C.
    South African Journal of Communication Disorders; Vol 36, No 1 (1989); 29–41
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  • Competing with computers: An integrated approach to identifying areas of competitive...
    Watson, R. T.; Pitt, L. F.
    South African Journal of Business Management; Vol 20, No 4 (1989); 174-177
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  • Christologiese himnes
    Louw, J.P.; Snyman, A.H.; Botha, J.; van Rensburg, F.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; 35–97
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  • Videofluorografiese ondersoek van die slukproses by serebraal gestremde kinders
    le Roux, Karin; van der Merwe, Anita; Louw, Brenda
    South African Journal of Communication Disorders; Vol 36, No 1 (1989); 15–21
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  • Die Lydingslied
    Barkhuizen, J.H.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; 183–190
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  • Klemens van Alexandrië: Himne op Christus ors Leidsman
    Stander, H.F.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; 112–118
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  • Risk estimation in the thinly traded JSE environment
    Bradfield, D. J.; Barr, G. D.I.
    South African Journal of Business Management; Vol 20, No 4 (1989); 169-173
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  • Segmental speech timing at the phoneme and syllable levels in English and Afrikaans...
    Oosthuizen, Carol L.
    South African Journal of Communication Disorders; Vol 36, No 1 (1989); 3–8
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  • Auxentius van Sirië: Troparia
    Basson, A.F.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; 150–154
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  • Reeksvoorwoord
    Office, Editorial
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; v
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  • Die Lukaanse liedere
    Vorster, W.S.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; 17–34
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  • Vroeë strofiese himnes
    Barkhuizen, J.H.
    HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; 1989: Supplementum 1: Hymni Christiani; 175–182
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  • A preliminary investigation of the pragmatic abilities of a group language disordered...
    Rosen, Lindy; Keen, Rosemary
    South African Journal of Communication Disorders; Vol 36, No 1 (1989); 43–51
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  • The genera Polygonum and Bilderdykia (Polygonaceae) in southern Africa: morphology...
    Germishuizen, G.; Robbertse, P. J.; Kok, P. D. F.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 175-178
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  • Miscellaneous note
    Panagos, M. D.; Westfall, R. H.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 269-270
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    Immelman, K. L.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 209-210
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  • Miscellaneous note
    Panagos, M. D.; Britz, P. J.; Westfall, R. H.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 270-271
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  • Leaf anatomy of the South African Danthonieae (Poaceae): XIX. The genus Prionanthium
    Ellis, R. P.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 217-223
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  • Miscellaneous note
    Panagos, M. D.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 266-267
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  • New taxa, combinations and records of Pteridophyta from southern and central Africa
    Burrows, J. E.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 167-174
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  • Invasive alien woody plants of Natal and the north-eastern Orange Free State
    Henderson, L.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 237-261
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    Peckham, G. D.; van Jaarsveld, F. A.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 213-215
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  • Miscellaneous note
    Westfall, R. H.; Britz, P. J.; Panagos, M. D.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 268-269
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  • Miscellaneous note
    Deall, G. B.; Westfall, R. H.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 263-264
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  • Taxonomy and leaf anatomy of the genus Ehrharta (Poaceae) in southern Africa: the...
    Gibbs Russel, G. E.; Ellis, R. P.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 189-207
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  • New taxa, new records and name changes for southern African plants
    de Wet, B. C.; Gibbs Russel, G. E.; Germishuizen, G.; Schrire, B. D.; Jordaan, M.; Pienaar, B J; Welman, W. G.; Reid, C.; van Wyk, C. M.; Fish, L.; Immelman, K. L.; van Rooy, J.; Glen, H. F.; Barker, N. P.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 275-294
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  • Studies in the genus Riccia (Marchantiales) from southern Africa. 14. R. concava...
    Perold, S. M.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 161-165
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    Germishuizen, G.; Kok, P. D. F.; Robbertse, P. J.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 211-213
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  • A re-examination of the genus Amphibolia (Mesembryanthemaceae)
    Hartmann, H. E. K.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 179-182
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    Germishuizen, G.
    Bothalia; Vol 19, No 2 (1989); 201-211
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