Factors influencing the experienced career success of Muslim women: A South African study

SA Journal of Human Resource Management

Field Value
Title Factors influencing the experienced career success of Muslim women: A South African study
Creator Agherdien, Nuraan Mey, Michelle R. Poisat, Paul
Subject Human Resource Management Muslim women; South Africa; experienced career success; organisational factors; internal factors; organisational success strategies; success indicators
Description Orientation: Understanding the factors that impact on the experienced career success of Muslim women empowers Human Resource departments and organisations to enhance the active participation and advancement of Muslim women in the workplace.Research purpose: The main purpose of this article was to identify the factors influencing the experienced career success of Muslim women in the South African workplace.Motivation for the study: Numerous studies have focused on the factors influencing the career success of women in general; however, a paucity of research focuses on the factors influencing the experienced career success of Muslim women. This paper proposes the development of a framework to assist in the career advancement of Muslim women.Research approach/design and method: A quantitative descriptive and correlational research design was employed in this study using an online survey. Non-probability sampling methods were used, specifically, convenience and snowballing sampling. Data was collected from 243 respondents, including male and female across religion and occupation, but for this article, only the Muslim women cohort will be presented, n = 88. In addition, an exploratory factor analysis, descriptive analysis and Pearson moment correlations were used to analyse the data.Main findings: This study revealed that Organisational Success Strategies, Organisational Factors and Internal Factors influence the experienced success of Muslim women. Interestingly, Family and Social Factors showed no significance to the experienced success of Muslim women.Practical/managerial implications: Practical implications are twofold: (1) Muslim women are required to become active participants in their careers, and (2) organisations are required to provide an inclusive culture that supports the advancement of Muslim women.Contribution/value-add: This study contributes towards the body of knowledge specifically related to the career advancement and success of Muslim women in the South African context.
Publisher AOSIS
Date 2024-05-29
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion — Quantitative
Format text/html application/epub+zip text/xml application/pdf application/pdf
Identifier 10.4102/sajhrm.v22i0.2581
Source SA Journal of Human Resource Management; Vol 22 (2024); 10 pages 2071-078X 1683-7584
Language eng
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https://sajhrm.co.za/index.php/sajhrm/article/view/2581/3808 https://sajhrm.co.za/index.php/sajhrm/article/view/2581/3809 https://sajhrm.co.za/index.php/sajhrm/article/view/2581/3810 https://sajhrm.co.za/index.php/sajhrm/article/view/2581/3829 https://sajhrm.co.za/index.php/sajhrm/article/view/2581/3811
Coverage — — Female
Rights Copyright (c) 2024 Nuraan Agherdien, Michelle Ruth Mey, Paul Poisat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0