Exploring views on praxis possibilities of multilingualism in university literacy pedagogies

Reading & Writing

Field Value
Title Exploring views on praxis possibilities of multilingualism in university literacy pedagogies
Creator Yafele, Simbayi
Subject Academic Literacy education; Applied language studies; Higher Education; Educational Linguistics; Literacy Studies multilingualism; higher education; multilingual literacy pedagogies; perceptions; translanguaging; sociocultural perspectives.
Description Background: South African literacy-as-social-practice theoreticians, language-in-education experts, educational linguists, and language policies advocate multilingual pedagogies to acknowledge and cater to diverse multilingual learners’ literacy development. Universities purport multilingualism to provide for the multilingual norm, students’ literacy, and educational development, as scholarship shows that multilingualism benefits academia and literacy education. Yet, these universities remain locations for monolingual and epistemological biases. Concerns about such praxis pretensions in pluralistic literacy education and the failures in literacy-as-social-practice strategies have been raised. However, the perceptions of lecturers and students on their role in implementing desirable praxis in multilingual literacy education are under-researched.Objectives: This qualitative study explores lecturers’ and students’ perceptions and their impact on practising linguistic plurality in literacy for educational development schemes.Method: The research uses in-depth individual and focus-group interviews with four lecturers and four first-year undergraduate students at a selected linguistically diverse university. An interpretivist paradigm was applied consisting of participants’ subjective experiences as members of a higher education institution (HEI).Results: Findings reveal that lecturers have difficulty coping with multiple languages due to inadequate training and misconceptions about multilingualism, and monolingual pedagogy perceptions carried over from their institutions whose culture denies students’ linguistic plurality.Conclusion: The study demonstrates the importance of shifts in epistemological orientation and adequate training, focused on multilingualism, to develop versatile and agile lecturers equipped for multilingual universities.Contribution: This research contributes to understanding the complex implementation problems regarding multilingual literacy education and possible solutions. It postulates new ways of forging multilingual literacy practices to erase praxis morbidity.
Publisher AOSIS Publishing
Date 2024-05-24
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion — In-depth individula and focus group unstuctured interviews
Format text/html application/epub+zip text/xml application/pdf
Identifier 10.4102/rw.v15i1.451
Source Reading & Writing; Vol 15, No 1 (2024); 11 pages 2308-1422 2079-8245
Language eng
The following web links (URLs) may trigger a file download or direct you to an alternative webpage to gain access to a publication file format of the published article:

https://rw.org.za/index.php/rw/article/view/451/1043 https://rw.org.za/index.php/rw/article/view/451/1044 https://rw.org.za/index.php/rw/article/view/451/1045 https://rw.org.za/index.php/rw/article/view/451/1046
Coverage — — 17- 60 years, 1st year students,lecturers, mixed gender
Rights Copyright (c) 2024 Simbayi Yafele https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0