Some facts and thoughts on the training and practice of Industrial Psychologists

SA Journal of Industrial Psychology

Field Value
Title Some facts and thoughts on the training and practice of Industrial Psychologists
Creator van W Raubenheimer, I.
Subject — facts; thoughts; training; practice; Industrial Psychologists
Description Contributions made by South African universities over decades to the training of personnel practitioners are reviewed and the status of Industrial Psychology as a profession is discussed. A few misconceptions about ethical conduct are criticised in the light of the internationally accepted criteria of professional behaviour. OpsommingDie bydrae wat die Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite oor die dekades heen gelewer het tot die opleiding van personeelpraktisyns, en die stand van die bedryfsielkunde professie en praktyk word bespreek. Enkele dwalinge in bedryfsielkundige praktyk word nader toegelig en besweer aan die hand van internasionaal erkende norme.
Publisher AOSIS
Date 1982-11-28
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion — —
Format application/pdf
Identifier 10.4102/sajip.v0i0.333
Source SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; 1982: Perspectives on Industrial Psychology 2071-0763 0258-5200
Language eng
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Coverage — — —
Rights Copyright (c) 1982 I. van W Raubenheimer