Value disciplines: measuring customer preferences

SA Journal of Industrial Psychology

Field Value
Title Value disciplines: measuring customer preferences
Creator Dannhauser, Z. Roodt, G.
Subject — —
Description According to the World Competitiveness Report: 1999, South Africa ranks poorly in terms of delivering customer services (Garelli, 1999). In order to assist South African organisations to identify their customers' value preferences, three scales collectively called the Customer Preference Questionnaire (CPQ) were developed. Opsomming Luidens die World Competitiveness Report: 1999 vaar Suid-Afrika swak ten opsigte van klientediens-lewering (Garelli, 1999). Om Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies te help met die identifisering van hulle kliente se waardevoorkeure, is drie skale wat gesamentlik die Klientevoorkeurvraelys (CPQ) genoem word, ontwikkel.
Publisher AOSIS
Date 2001-12-05
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion — —
Format application/pdf
Identifier 10.4102/sajip.v27i1.769
Source SA Journal of Industrial Psychology; Vol 27, No 1 (2001); 8-16 2071-0763 0258-5200
Language eng
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Rights Copyright (c) 2001 Z. Dannhauser, G. Roodt