IsiZulu-speaking caregivers’ perceptions of child language stimulation

South African Journal of Communication Disorders

Field Value
Title IsiZulu-speaking caregivers’ perceptions of child language stimulation
Creator John, Desiree C. Uys, Catharina J. Pascoe, Michelle
Subject — beliefs; caregiver perceptions; cognitive-linguistic development; culture; early language stimulation; speech-language therapy; South Africa
Description Background: South African children from low-income households are at higher risk of cognitive-linguistic difficulties because of multiple risk factors. Early language stimulation minimises the effects of risk factors and prepares children for literacy and learning. Understanding caregivers’ perceptions of language stimulation is important because perceptions shape practices, which determine child language outcomes.Objectives: This study explored the existing perceptions of language stimulation among 15 isiZulu-speaking caregivers from KwaDabeka township.Method: A qualitative, descriptive research design was adopted and the caregivers were interviewed using a semi-structured interview schedule. The NVivo software programme supported the inductive, thematic analysis of the data.Results: Although the caregivers held positive perceptions of language stimulation, their perceptions of benefit focussed on meeting children’s basic physiological needs with less reference to the long-term benefits for literacy, employment and social integration. Providing language models, watching television, singing songs, and reading books were perceived to be examples of language-stimulating activities and techniques. The caregivers expressed a need to improve their knowledge of language stimulation and queried how they could be supported to achieve this outcome.Conclusion: This group of caregivers needed support to increase their awareness of the long-term benefits of language stimulation and their knowledge and use of evidence-based activities, stimuli and facilitation techniques.Contribution: Caregivers’ existing perceptions could serve as a barrier to the effective language stimulation of children from low-income households in South Africa.
Publisher AOSIS
Contributor University Capacity Development Grant (UCDP) University of KwaZulu-Natal-College of Health Sciences (UKZN-CHS)
Date 2024-07-25
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion — —
Format text/html application/epub+zip text/xml application/pdf
Identifier 10.4102/sajcd.v71i1.1028
Source South African Journal of Communication Disorders; Vol 71, No 1 (2024); 9 pages 2225-4765 0379-8046
Language eng
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Rights Copyright (c) 2024 Desiree C. John, Catharina J. Uys, Michelle Pascoe