Record Details

Handel langs die vroegste roetes

New Contree

Field Value
Title Handel langs die vroegste roetes
Creator De Vaal, J.B.
Subject — earliest trade routes; trading structure
Description In a previous article the earliest trade routes of the Northern and Eastern Transvaal interior were reconstructed. To shed more light on the trading itself, attention is directed in this follow-up article to the articles of trade, the traders, and the trading practices which were evident along the routes. Numerous archaeological discoveries point to the fact that articles of copper, tin, iron, and gold in particular were in great demand. These trading articles illustrate the material culture of the different Black tribes on the trade routes, as well as the transference of culture from the interaction with their trading partners (among whom were the Portuguese, Arabs, and Hollanders) which took place in the interior as well as along the east coast. The manner in which the trade was practised confirms that there was a lively and well-organised trading structure in a variety of articles and going back many years.
Publisher AOSIS Publishing
Date 2024-07-09
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion — —
Format application/pdf
Identifier 10.4102/nc.v17i0.758
Source New Contree; Vol 17 (1985); 10 2959-510X 0379-9867
Language eng
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Rights Copyright (c) 2024 J.B. De Vaal