Corrigendum: Access to healthcare by undocumented Zimbabwean migrants in post-apartheid South Africa

African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine

Field Value
Title Corrigendum: Access to healthcare by undocumented Zimbabwean migrants in post-apartheid South Africa
Creator Chirau, Takunda J. Shirinde, Joyce McCrindle, Cheryl
Subject primary health care undocumented migrant; migrant; Zimbabweans; South African healthcare systems; xenophobia; human rights; Tshwane District.
Description No abstract available.
Publisher AOSIS
Contributor N/A
Date 2024-05-31
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion — qualitative research
Format text/html application/epub+zip text/xml application/pdf
Identifier 10.4102/phcfm.v16i1.4625
Source African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine; Vol 16, No 1 (2024); 1 page 2071-2936 2071-2928
Language eng
The following web links (URLs) may trigger a file download or direct you to an alternative webpage to gain access to a publication file format of the published article:
Coverage South Africa 2022 undocumented migrants
Rights Copyright (c) 2024 Takunda J. Chirau, Joyce Shirinde, Cheryl McCrindle