Supported self-management in long-term conditions in an African context

South African Journal of Physiotherapy

Field Value
Title Supported self-management in long-term conditions in an African context
Creator Hale, Leigh Wilkinson, Amanda Pilusa, Sonti Stewart, Aimee
Subject Physiotherapy Africa; disability; healthcare providers; long-term health conditions; patients; perspectives; state of the art review; supported self-management.
Description Self-management is an important strategy to improve quality of life, appropriately manage long-term health conditions, and reduce the economic burden of long-term health conditions. However, equitable healthcare access remains an issue, and the focus on ‘self’ in self-management is problematic. Our review aims to explore the conceptualisation and evolution of supported self-management in an African context and its relevance to physiotherapy. A state-of-the-art review of the literature was undertaken by the authors. The authors knowledge of the subject area and a database search retrieved recent articles exploring patients’ and healthcare providers’ understanding of supported self-management in Africa. Relevant articles were read, and data summaries of included studies were extracted and tabulated. Findings were organised deductively. Sixteen studies, 11 primary research, and 5 reviews (2016–2023) undertaken in a variety of sub-Saharan countries with healthcare workers (~n = 177) and people (~n = 16 115) living with a mix of non-communicable and communicable conditions were considered in this state-of-the-art review. Self-management perceptions were drawn from Western authors spanning development research and understanding of the concepts in Western thinking. We conclude that imported concepts, such as supported self-management for long-term conditions, should be considered within local health delivery solutions. These should be embedded in an understanding of traditional African health systems.Clinical implications: There is a need to develop locally derived African solutions. Self-management strategies for long-term health conditions should be developed, considering traditional holistic African health systems.
Publisher AOSIS
Date 2024-04-30
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion — State of the Art
Format text/html application/epub+zip text/xml application/pdf
Identifier 10.4102/sajp.v80i1.1978
Source South African Journal of Physiotherapy; Vol 80, No 1 (2024); 13 pages 2410-8219 0379-6175
Language eng
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Rights Copyright (c) 2024 Leigh Hale, Amanda Wilkinson, Sonti Pilusa, Aimee Stewart