Record Details

The impact of Zimbabwean liberation struggle on Botswana: the case of Lesoma ambush, 1978

New Contree

Field Value
Title The impact of Zimbabwean liberation struggle on Botswana: the case of Lesoma ambush, 1978
Creator Makgala, C.J. Fisher, M.L.
Subject — Liberation; Foreign policy; Military ambush; Instability; Patriotism; Zimbabwe liberation struggle; Botswana; Lesoma ambush
Description Polelo e e lebegane le kganyaolo e e diragetseng ka kgwedi ya Tlhakole a le 27 ka ngwaga wa 1978 ele tlhaselo e e maatla thata go diragalela sesole sa Botswana Defence Force (BDF) se e neng ele gone se tlhamiwang. Tlhaselo e ne e dirwa ke sesole sa bo ntwa dumela se se kgethegileng sa difofane sa lefatshe la Rhodesia ka nako ya ntwa ya kgololesego ko Zimbabwe. Polelo e simolola ka go kanoka mekwalo e e se tseng e dirilwe le go lebelela merero ya tsa mafatse a sele mo lefatsheng la Botswana, ga mmogo le bokgoni ba sesole mo Botswana ka dingwaga tsa bo 1970. Polelo gape e itebaganya le seemo sa itshireletso ko molelwaneng wa Botswana le Rhodesia. Go tshabela mo Botswana ga batshabi ba Rhodesia le gone go a sekwa sekwa. Gape go buiwa ka go tlhamiwa le tiriso ya BDF ka tshoganetso ele go fokotsa manokonko a ditlheselo ko molelwaneng. Tlhaselo le kganyaolo ya masole a Botswana kwa motseng wa Lesoma le kgalo ya tirigalo e mo Botswana le mafatshe a bodichabachaba go a lebalejwa. Gape re bontsha gore tlhaselo e ene ya supa kemonokeng e ko godimo ya Batswana le bagwebi ka go ntsha dithuso go thusa ba ba neng ba amilwe ke tlhaselo ko Lesoma.
Publisher AOSIS Publishing
Date 2009-05-31
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion — —
Format application/pdf
Identifier 10.4102/nc.v57i0.393
Source New Contree; Vol 57 (2009); 21 2959-510X 0379-9867
Language eng
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Rights Copyright (c) 2024 C.J. Makgala, M.L. Fisher