The monstrous and the grotesque: (De)scribing and unmasking eschatology in Sepedi folktales

Theologia Viatorum

Field Value
Title The monstrous and the grotesque: (De)scribing and unmasking eschatology in Sepedi folktales
Creator Mokgoatšana, Sekgothe
Subject Folklore Studies, Anthropology, Cultural Studies Kgolomodumo; monsters; eschatology; indigenous knowledge; myth of creation; cosmology and cosmogony; worlding; grotesque; Sepedi
Description The Kgolomodumo story is becoming extinct in Sepedi folklore with the risk of losing its deep structure and embedded meaning. Very little, if any, has been performed to determine the relationship between the monsters and cosmology, also revealing how they are used to construct eschatology. In this article, I analyse the story of a monster and explain how monstrosity and the grotesque are used as a discourse to craft, uncover and (re)construct how Bapedi interprets the teleological and eschatological from the tale; Kgolomodumo. The tale is a source of explaining the metaphor of the devouring monster to describe the end of things and messianic eschatology in Sepedi religious conceptions. The story was conveniently chosen from a folklore anthology, Diphekotšabagologolo because it is a threatened textual construct. The interpretation of the tale is both Afrocentric and hermeneutical relying largely on my knowledge of Sepedi culture and folklore; drawing from my insider, self-reflexive engagement after teaching of folklore as indigenous knowledge for the past 30 years. The story is framed within the postcolonial discourse, selecting the Afrocentric lens as a tool to explain and contextualise eschatology within African religion.
Publisher AOSIS Publishing
Contributor None
Date 2020-12-08
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion — Afrocentric
Format text/html application/epub+zip text/xml application/pdf
Identifier 10.4102/tv.v44i1.72
Source Theologia Viatorum; Vol 44, No 1 (2020); 12 pages 2664-2980 0378-4142
Language eng
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Rights Copyright (c) 2020 Sekgothe Mokgoatšana