Perceptions on the use of a corporate business incubator to enhance knowledge management at Eskom

South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences

Field Value
Title Perceptions on the use of a corporate business incubator to enhance knowledge management at Eskom
Creator Steyn, PD Du Toit, ASA
Description The knowledge economy impacts on the way enterprises should address their business requirements, forcing many of them to review the potential mechanisms they could employ to improve their competitive advantage. The business incubator approach is one such mechanism. This article explores the application of knowledge management, knowledge creation and innovation in a corporate incubator. It focuses on the process of knowledge management, to ensure that a culture and appropriate strategies conducive to enhancing knowledge creation are developed in an enterprise. Innovation as a strategic imperative is considered, as well as the challenge of driving it within an enterprise. The purpose of this empirical survey was to determine whether the corporate incubator model applied by Eskom conforms to the attributes of knowledge management, knowledge creation and innovation, and whether the synergies to be exploited amongst these disciplines can be harnessed to give Eskom a competitive advantage.
Publisher AOSIS Publishing
Date 2013-02-21
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion —
Format application/pdf
Identifier 10.4102/sajems.v10i1.535
Source South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences; Vol 10, No 1 (2007); 33-50 2222-3436 1015-8812
Language eng
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Rights Copyright (c) 2013 PD Steyn, ASA Du Toit