SASOP Biological Psychiatry Congress 2013 Abstracts
South African Journal of Psychiatry
Field | Value | |
Title | SASOP Biological Psychiatry Congress 2013 Abstracts | |
Creator | Allers, E Allers, E Betancourt, O A Benson-Martin, J Buckley, P Buckley, P Chetty, I Chiliza, B Cilliers, P Clark, H Cowen, P Dannatt, L Domingo, A K Domschke, K du Plessis, S Haddad, P Hemmings, S Henderson, D C Hitzeroth, V Janse van Rensburg, B Janse van Rensburg, S Jordaan, G Kramer, L Lachman, A Latecki, B Macqueen, P McGregor, N Moodley, A Moosa, Z M Mubaiwa, L Nagdee, M Nemeroff, C Nortje, G Ojagbemi, A Peter, E Phahladira, L Pienaar, W Ramlall, S Rataemane, S Roos, A Rosenstein, D Roux, J Schumann, C Solms, M Spies, G Subramaney, U Suliman, S Suomi, S Szabo, C Uys, H van Tonder, J Zohar, J Bakelaar, S Breet, E Bronkhorst, A Davis, W de Klerk, D Delport, D Drögemöller, B du Toit, E Fouche, J P | |
Description | List of abstracts and authors:1. Bipolar disorder not otherwise specified -overdiagnosed or underdiagnosed?E Allers2. The prognosis of major depression untreated and treated: Does the data reflect the true picture of the prognosis of this very common disorder?E Allers3. Can we prolong our patients' life expectancy? Providing a better quality of life for patients with severe mental illnessO A Betencourt4. The scope of ECT practice in South AfricaJ Benson-Martin, P Milligan5. Biomarkers for schizophrenia: Can we evolve like cancer therapeutics?P Buckley6. Relapse in schizophrenis: Major challenges in prediction and preventionP Buckley7. Informed consent in biological treatments: The right to know the duty to informI Chetty8. Effectiveness of a long-acting injectable antipsychotic plus an assertive monitoring programme in first-episode schizophreniaB Chiliza, L Asmal, O Esan, A Ojagbemi, O Gureje, R Emsley9. Name, shame, fameP Cilliers10. Can we manage the increasing incidence of violent raging children? We have to!H Clark11. Serotonin, depression and antidepressant actionP Cowen12. Prevalence and correlates of comorbid psychiatris illness in patients with heroin use disorder admitted to Stikland Opioid Detoxification UnitL Dannatt, K J Cloete, M Kidd, L Weich13. Investigating the association between diabetes mellitus, depression and psychological distress in a cohort of South African teachersA K Domingo, S Seedat, T M Esterhuizen, C Laurence, J Volmink, L Asmal14. Neuropeptide S -emerging evidence for a role in anxietyK Domschke15. Pathogenetics of anxietyK Domschke16. The effects of HIV on the fronto-striatal systemS du Plessis, M Vink, J Joska, E Koutsilieri, C Scheller, B Spottiswoode, D Stein, R Emsley17. Effects of acute antipsychotic treatment on brain morphology in schizophreniaR Emsley, L Asmal, B Chiliza, S du Plessis, J Carr, A Goosen, M Kidd, M Vink, R Kahn18. Development of a genetic database resource for monitoring of breast cancer patients at risk of physical and psychological complicationsK Grant, F J Cronje, K Botha, J P Apffelstaedt, M J Kotze19. Unipolar mania reconsidered: Evidence from a South African studyC Grobler20. Antipsychotic-induced movement disorders: Occurence and managementP Haddad21. The place of observational studies in assessing the effectiveness of long-acting injectable antipsychoticsP Haddad22. Molecular mechanisms of d-cycloserine in fear extinction: Insights from RNS sequencingS Hemmings, S Malan-Muller, L Fairbairn, M Jalali, E J Oakeley, J Gamieldien, M Kidd, S Seedat23. Schizophrenia: The role of inflammationDC Henderson24. Addictions: Emergent trends and innovationsV Hitzeroth25. The socio-cultural-religious context of biological psychiatric practiceB Janse van Rensburg26. Biochemical markers for identifying risk factors for disability progression in multiple sclerosisS Janse van Rensburg, M J Kotze, F J Cronje, W Davis, K Moremi, M Jalali Sefid Dashti, J Gamieldien, D Geiger, M Rensburg, R van Toorn, M J de Klerk, G M Hon, T Matsha, S Hassan, R T Erasmus27. Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder: Brain perfusion and psychopathology - before and after antipsychotic treatmentG Jordaan, J M Warwick, D G Nel, R Hewlett, R Emsley28.'Pump and dump': Harm reduction strategies for breastfeeding while using substancesL Kramer29. Adolescent neuropsychiatry - an emerging field in South African adolescent psychiatric servicesA Lachman30. Recovery versus remission, or what it means to be healthy for a psychiatric patient?B Latecki31. Holistic methods utilised to normalise behaviours in youth diagnosed with neuro-biochemical disordersP Macqueen32. Candidate genes and novel polymorphisms for anxiety disorder in a South African cohortN McGregor, J Dimatelis, S M J Hemmings, C J Kinnear, D Stein, V Russel, C Lochner33. Higher visual functioningA Moodley34. The effects of prenatal methylmercury exposure on trace element and antioxidant levels in rat offspring following 6-hydroxydopamine-induced neuronal insultZ M Moosa, W M U Daniels, M V Mabandla35. Paediatric neuropsychiatric movement disordersL Mubaiwa36. The South African national female offenders studyM Nagdee, L Artz, C de Clercq, P de Wet, H Erlacher, S Kaliski, C Kotze, L Kowalski, J Naidoo, S Naidoo, J Pretorius, M Roffey, F Sokudela, U Subramaney37. Neurobiological consequences of child abuseC Nemeroff38. What do Stellenbosch Unviversity medical students think about psychiatry - and why should we care?G Nortje, S Suliman, K Seed, G Lydall, S Seedat39. Neurological soft skins in Nigerian Africans with first episode schizophrenia: Factor structure and clinical correlatesA Ojagbemi, O Esan, O Gureje, R Emsley40. Should psychiatric patients know their MTHFR status?E Peter41. Clinical and functional outcome of treatment refractory first-episode schizophreniaL Phahladira, R Emsley, L Asmal, B Chiliza42. Bioethics by case discussionW Pienaar43. Reviewing our social contract pertaining to psychiatric research in children, research in developing countries and distributive justice in pharmacyW Pienaar44. The performance of the MMSE in a heterogenous elderly South African populationS Ramlall, J Chipps, A I Bhigjee, B J Pillay45. Biological basis addiction (alocohol and drug addiction)S Rataemane46. Volumetric brain changes in prenatal methamphetamine-exposed children compared with healthy unexposed controlsA Roos, K Donald, G Jones, D J Stein47. Single voxel proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the amygdala in social anxiety disorder in the context of early developmental traumaD Rosenstein, A Hess, S Seedat, E Meintjies48. Discussion of HDAC inhibitors, with specific reference to supliride and its use during breastfeedingJ Roux49. Prevalence and clinical correlates of police contact prior to a first diagnosis of schizophreniaC Schumann, L Asmal, K Cloete, B Chiliza, R Emsley50. Are dreams meaningless?M Solms51. The conscious idM Solms52. Depression and resilience in HIV-infected women with early life stress: Does trauma play a mediating role?G Spies, S Seedat53. State of affairs analysis for forensic psychiatry in SAU Subramaney54. Escitalopram in the prevention of post-traumatic stress disorder: A pilot randomised controlled trialS Suliman, S Seedat, J Pingo, T Sutherland, J Zohar, D J Stein55. Epigenetic consequences of adverse early social experiences in primatesS Suomi56. Risk, resilience, and gene x environment interactions in primatesS Suomi57. Biological aspects of anorexia nervosaC Szabo58. Agents used and profiles of non-fatal suicidal behaviour in East LondonH Uys59. The contributions of G-protein coupled receptor signalling to opioid dependenceJ van Tonder60. Emerging trend and innovation in PTSD and OCDJ Zohar61. Making the SASOP treatment guidelines operationalE AllersPoster Presentations62. Neuropsychological deficits in social anxiety disorder in the context of early developmental traumaS Bakelaar, D Rosenstein, S Seedat63.Social anxiety disorder in patients with or without early childhood trauma: Relationship to behavioral inhibition and activation and quality of lifeS Bakelaar, C Bruijnen, A Sambeth, S Seedat64. Exploring altered affective processing in obssessive compulsive disorder symptom subtypesE Breet, J Ipser, D Stein, C Lochner65. To investigate the bias toward recognising the facial expression of disgust in obsessive compulsive disorder as well as the effect of escitalopramE Breet, J Ipser, D Stein, C Lochner66. A fatal-case of nevirapine-induced Stevens-Johnson's syndrome in HIV maniaA Bronkhorst, Z Zingela, W M Qwesha, B P Magigaba67. Association of the COMT G472A (met/met) genotype with lower disability in people diagnosed with multiple sclerosisW Davis, S J van Rensburg, L Fisher, F J Cronje, D Geiger, M J Kotze68. Homocycsteine levels are associated with the fat mass and obesity associated gene FTO(intron 1 TA) polymorphism in MS patientsW Davis, S J Van Rensburg, M J Kotze, L Fisher, M Jalali, F J Cronje, K Moremi, J Gamieldien, D Geiger, M Rensburg, R van Toorn, M J de Klerk, G M Hon, T Matsha, S Hassan, R T Erasmus69. Analysis of the COMT 472 GA (rs4680) polymorphism in relation to environmental influences as contributing factors in patients with schizophreniaD de Klerk, S J van Rensburg, R A Emsley, D Geiger, M Rensburg, R T Erasmus, M J Kotze70. Dietary folate intake, homocysteine levels and MTHFR mutation detection in South African patients with depression: Test development for clinical application D Delport, N vand der Merwe, R Schoeman, M J Kotze71. The use ofexome sequencing for antipsychotic pharmacogenomic applications in South African schizophrenia patientsB Drogmoller, D Niehaus, G Wright, B Chiliza, L Asmal, R Emsley, L Warnich72. The effects of HIV on the ventral-striatal reward systemS du Plessis, M Vink, J Joska, E Koutsilieri, C Scheller, B Spottiswoode, D Stein, R Emsley73. Xenomelia relates to asymmetrical insular activity: A case study of fMRIS du Plessis, M Vink, L Asmal74. Maternal mental helath: A prospective naturalistic study of the outcome of pregancy in women with major psychiatric disorders in an African countryE du Toit, L Koen, D Niehaus, B Vythilingum, E Jordaan, J Leppanen75. Prefrontal cortical thinning and subcortical volume decrease in HIV-positive children with encephalopathyJ P Fouche, B Spottiswoode, K Donald, D Stein, J Hoare76. H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy metabolites in schizophreniaF Howells, J Hsieh, H Temmingh, D J Stein77. Hypothesis for the development of persistent methamphetamine-induced psychosis J Hsieh, D J Stein, F M Howells78. Culture, religion, spirituality and psychiatric practice: The SASOP Spirituality and Psychiatry Special Interest Group Action Plan for 2012-2014B Janse van Rensburg79. Cocaine reduces the efficiency of dopamine uptake in a rodent model of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: An in vivo electrochemical studyL Kellaway, J S Womersley, D J Stein, G A Gerhardt, V A Russell80. Kleine-Levin syndrome: Case in an adolescent psychiatric unitA Lachman81. Increased inflammatory stress specific clinical, lifestyle and therapeutic variables in patients receiving treatment for stress, anxiety or depressive symptomsH Luckhoff, M Kotze, S Janse van Rensburg, D Geiger82. Catatonia: An eight-case series reportM Mabenge, Z Zingela, S van Wyk83. Relationship between anxiety sensitivity and childhood trauma in a random sample of adolescents from secondary schools in Cape TownL Martin, M Viljoen, S Seedat84. 'Making ethics real'. An overview of an ethics course presented by Fraser Health Ethics Services, BC, CanadaJJ McCallaghan85. Clozapine discontinuation rates in a public healthcare settingM Moolman, W Esterhuysen, R Joubert, J C Lamprecht, M S Lubbe86. Retrospective review of clozapine monitoring in a publica sector psychiatric hospital and associated clinicsM Moolman, W Esterhuysen, R Joubert, J C Lamprecht, M S Lubbe87. Association of an iron-related TMPRSS6 genetic variant c.2007 C7 (rs855791) with functional iron deficiency and its effect on multiple sclerosis risk in the South African populationK Moremi, S J van Rensburg, L R Fisher, W Davis, F J Cronje, M Jalali Sefid Dashti, J Gamieldien, D Geiger, M Rensburg, R van Toorn, M J de Klerk, G M Hon, T Matsha, S Hassan, R T Erasmus, M Kidd, M J Kotze88. Identifying molecular mechanisms of apormophine-induced addictive behavioursZ Ndlazi, W Daniels, M Mabandla89. Effects of lifestyle factors and biochemistry on the major neck blood vessels in patients with mutiple sclerosisM Nelson, S J van Rensburg, M J Kotze, F Isaacs, S Hassan90. Nicotine protects against dopamine neurodegenration and improves motor deficits in a Parkinsonian rat modelN Ngema, P Ngema, M Mabandla, W Daniels91. Cognition: Probing anatomical substratesH Nowbath92. Chronic exposure to light reverses the effects of maternal separation on the rat prefrontal cortexV Russel, J Dimatelis93. Evaluating a new drug to combat Alzheimer's diseaseS Sibiya, W M U Daniels, M V Mabandla94. Structural brain changes in HIV-infected women with and without childhood traumaG Spies, F Ahmed, C Fennema-Notestine, S Archibald, S Seedat95. Nicotine-stimulated release of hippocampal norepinephrine is reduced in an animal model of attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder: the spontaneously hypertensive ratT Sterley96. Brain-derive neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein levels in anxiety disorders: Systematic review and meta-regression analysisS Suliman, S M J Hemmings, S Seedat97. A 12-month retrospective audit of the demographic and clinical profile of mental healthcare users admitted to a district level hospital in the Western Cape, South AfricaE Thomas, K J Cloete, M Kidd, H Lategan98. Magnesium recurarization: A comparison between reversal of neuromuscular block with sugammadex v. neostigmine/ glycopyrrolate in an in vivo rat modelM van den Berg, M F M James, L A Kellaway99. Identification of breast cancer patients at increased risk of 'chemobrain': Case study and review of the literatureN van der Merwe, R Pienaar, S J van Rensburg, J Bezuidenhout, M J Kotze100. The protective role of HAART and NAZA in HIV Tat protein-induced hippocampal cell deathS Zulu, W M U Daniels, M V Mabandla | |
Publisher | AOSIS | |
Date | 2013-08-30 | |
Identifier | 10.4102/sajpsychiatry.v19i3.473 | |
Source | South African Journal of Psychiatry; Vol 19, No 3 (2013); 36 2078-6786 1608-9685 | |
Language | eng | |
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