

Journal focus: The exploration of issues experienced and the best practices of nurses and midwives so as to improve nursing education, nursing administration and community nursing.
Editor: Fhumulani Mavis Mulaudzi , University of Pretoria, South Africa.
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  • Health Seeking Behaviour by Cape-Townians: A mini-research by first year student nurses...
    Haegert, S.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 4 (1996); 81-84
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  • The information needs of cancer patients in the Pretoria and Witwatersrand area
    McLoughlin, H. A.; Oosthuizen, B. L.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 2 (1996); 31-35
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  • Indigenous healers in the North West province: A survey of their clinical activities in...
    Shai-Mahoko, S. N.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 4 (1996); 31-34
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  • Psychiatric nursing research based on nursing for the whole person theory
    Poggenpoel, M.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 2 (1996); 36-37
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  • An investigation into the attitude of professional nurses towards euthanasia
    Kunene, S. S.; Zungu, B. M.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 4 (1996); 26-30
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  • The role of the community mental health nurse in Botswana: The needs and problems of...
    Kgosidintsi, A.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 2 (1996); 38-42
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  • Self-directed learning in the context of a nursing curriculum: Development of a...
    Majumdar, B.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 2 (1996); 43-46
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  • Levels of use of selected components of the Comprehensive Basic Nursing Programme
    Gwele, N. S.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 2 (1996); 47-53
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  • 'n Ondersoek na die bereiking van die programdoelstellings van die vierjaar...
    Koen, M. P.; de Villiers, L.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 4 (1996); 19-22
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  • Codependency: A concomitant field of interest in research into the phenomenon caring
    van der Wal, D.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 4 (1996); 40-42
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  • Nurses in action: An introduction to action research in nursing
    McKibbin, E. C.; Castle, P. J.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 4 (1996); 35-39
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  • The implications of culture shock for health educators: Reflections with Barer-Stein
    Arthur, M. L.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 4 (1996); 47-51
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  • Breast-feeding: Current knowledge, attitudes and practices of paediatricians and...
    Videlefsky, A.; Nikodem, C.; Hofmeyr, J.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 2 (1996); 2-6
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  • Editorial
    Hunt, N.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 2 (1996); 1
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  • Adapt or die?
    Visser, S. S.; Nel, A. H.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 4 (1996); 43-46
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  • Focus group interview as a data gathering tool: Its application to nurses'...
    Chamane, N. J.; Kortenbout, W.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 4 (1996); 23-25
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  • Verpleegkundiges en pasiënte se belewenis van gesamentlike gesondheidsdienslewering aan...
    Poggenpoel, M.; Uys, H.; Botes, A.; Dörfling, C.; Greeff, M.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 2 (1996); 54-61
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  • Standards for the management of swabs, needles and instruments in the operating theatre
    Astrop, A.; van der Merwe, T.; Muller, M.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 4 (1996); 2-6
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  • The use of action research as an appropriate method of introducing and evaluating...
    Kerr, D.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 4 (1996); 7-12
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  • A formative model for student nurse development and evaluation
    van der Merwe, A. S.; Roos, E. C.; Mulder, M.; Joubert, A.; Botha, D. E.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 4 (1996); 52-63
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  • Professionele geheimhouding
    Buckle, H. C.; Lundie, L.; Treadwell, I.
    Curationis; Vol 19, No 2 (1996); 62-65
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  • Putting Leininger’s nursing theory ‘culture care diversity and universality’ into...
    de Villiers, L.; van der Wal, D.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 4 (1995); 56-60
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  • ’n Personeelontwikkelingsmodel vir psigiatriese verpleegkundiges
    Koen, D.; Muller, M.; Poggenpoel, M.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 1 (1995); 37-43
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  • A profile of the socio-demographic background of children admitted with acute diarrhoea...
    Huskisson, J. M.; Feulbach, S.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 1 (1995); 34-36
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  • Breastfeeding in crisis: Survey results of the baby-friendly hospital initiative
    Nikodem, C.; Schelke, L.; Enraght-Moony, L.; Hofmeyr, G. F
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 3 (1995); 39-42
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  • ‘n Plan vir die bepaling van pasiëntakuutheidsvlakke vir verpleegkundige postebepaling
    van Wyk, A. J.; Muller, M. E.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 4 (1995); 31-37
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  • Including transcultural nursing content in the curriculum – Part 2
    de Villiers, L.; van der Wal, D.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 4 (1995); 61-64
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  • Developing nurses’ moral reasoning skills
    Kyriacos, U.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 4 (1995); 38-42
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  • The experiences of parents where pregnancy ended in an unplanned caesarean section
    Ceronio, C. C.; Dörfling, C. S.; Nolte, A. G. W.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 4 (1995); 48-51
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  • Amputation history and rehabilitation of black men living in the greater Durban area...
    Kubheka, B. A.; Uys, L. R.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 1 (1995); 44-48
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  • Neonatal nursing workload – can it be measured?
    van den Heever, J. M.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 3 (1995); 43-47
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  • Na-basiese verpleegstudente se persepsies van die vak Etos van Verpleging
    Kirstein, H.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 4 (1995); 43-47
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  • Companionship in labour: Do the personality characteristics of labour supporters...
    Chalmers, B.; Wolman, W. L.; Nikodem, V. C.; Gulmezoglu, A. M.; Hofmeyer, G. J.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 4 (1995); 77-80
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  • ‘n Studie gerig op die benuting van simulasie as onderrigstrategie in die kliniese...
    Crous, J. S.; de Villiers, L.; Mouton, C.; Beyers, T.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 4 (1995); 65-76
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  • Teenagers’ knowledge of human sexuality and their views on teenage pregnancies
    Kunene, P. J.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 3 (1995); 48-52
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  • Nurses are people too
    Kortenbout, W.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 4 (1995); 1
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  • A study of attitudes of colostomy patients towards a stoma
    Majola, S. G.; Ntombela, B. B.; Zungu, B. M.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 1 (1995); 49-50
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  • A marketing strategy for a nursing college
    Pryde, M.; Muller, M.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 3 (1995); 53-58
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  • The attitude of nurses towards the care of elderly people
    Gwala, J. N.; Zungu, B. M.; Ntombela, B. B.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 1 (1995); 51
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  • ‘n Ondersoek na die persoonlike ervaring van bevoegdheid van studentvroedvroue in die...
    Bester, M. E.; Lamprecht, H. A.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 4 (1995); 52-55
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  • Maternal involvement in growth monitoring
    Brookes, H.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 1 (1995); 1
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  • The place of nurses in our society today
    Gourley, B. M.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 1 (1995); 2-4
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  • Views of leading nurse educators regarding the comprehensive basic nursing programme
    Gwele, N. S.; Uys, L. R.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 1 (1995); 5-10
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  • Blood donation behaviour and beliefs among a sample of high school students in Mmabatho
    Mwaba, K.; Kelkelame, M. J.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 3 (1995); 2-3
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  • Research on teaching nursing: Where is it?
    Gwele, N. S.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 3 (1995); 1
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  • Afstandskontakonderrig oorbruggingsprogram: Algemene verpleegkunde
    Joubert, A.; du Plessis, P.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 4 (1995); 3-9
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  • Determination of needs of black aged persons in Port Elizabeth: Direction for future...
    Ntshona, M. M. S.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 4 (1995); 20-24
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  • Uitdaging vir volwassene didaktiek: Begeleide selfstudie die oplossing?
    Klopper, H.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 1 (1995); 11-14
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  • Houding, kennis en geluk van verpleegpersoneel wat in tehuise van bejaardes werksaam is
    du Rand, P. P.; Vermaak, M. V.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 1 (1995); 26-33
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  • Participative management in health care services
    Muller, M.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 1 (1995); 15-21
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  • An investigation of compliance in Type II diabetic patients attending clinic at Church...
    Khoza, S. R.; Kortenbout, W.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 4 (1995); 10-14
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  • Verpleegkundige beraming van die behoeftes van moeders met voortydse babas
    Roets, L.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 3 (1995); 4-15
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  • Psychiatric nurses’ communication with psychiatric patients
    Sibeko, C. R.; Greeff, M.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 4 (1995); 15-19
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  • Riglyne vir die verpleegkundige vir die bied van ondersteuning aan ’n gesin van ’n...
    Dippenaar, I. L.; Greeff, M.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 3 (1995); 35-38
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  • Midwifery care standards for the first stage of labour
    Railoon, Z.; Nolte, A. G. W.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 4 (1995); 25-30
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  • A profile of selected psychiatric out-patients in South Africa
    Uys, L. R.; Dlamini, N. K.; Mabandla, S. P.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 1 (1995); 22-25
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  • The South African nursing council: 50 years of professional self-regulation
    Kotzé, W. J.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 3 (1995); 16-26
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  • Psigiatriese verpleegkundige begeleiding aan ’n gesin van ’n pasiënt in ’n onkologiese...
    Dippenaar, I. L.; Greeff, M.
    Curationis; Vol 18, No 3 (1995); 27-34
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  • Legal limitations in the practice of the primary health care nurse
    Bierman, J.; Muller, M.
    Curationis; Vol 17, No 2 (1994); 29-34
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  • Primary health care rendered from mobile units: Can computers help?
    McDonald, T.; Chapman, R. D.; MacKenzie, J.
    Curationis; Vol 17, No 2 (1994); 35-38
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  • The development of a weighted objective research criterion assessment tool (WORCAT)
    Treadwell, I.
    Curationis; Vol 17, No 2 (1994); 1-5
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  • The social support network for black psychiatric inpatients
    Ngubane, G.; Uys, L. R.
    Curationis; Vol 17, No 2 (1994); 6-9
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  • Verpleegmannekragsituasie in Suid-Afrika – ’n vergelykende perspektief oor 5 jaar: 1989...
    Bester, M. E.; Welmann, E. B.
    Curationis; Vol 17, No 2 (1994); 15-19
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  • Knowledge, attitudes and practice in regard to aids: The case of social science...
    Kaya, H. O.; Kau, M.
    Curationis; Vol 17, No 2 (1994); 10-14
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  • Traditional birth attendants in Malawi
    Smit, J. J. M.
    Curationis; Vol 17, No 2 (1994); 25-28
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  • The effects of hospitalisation on children: A review
    Bonn, M.
    Curationis; Vol 17, No 2 (1994); 20-24
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  • Student nurses’ perception of the clinical midwifery experience as a learning environment
    Dürrheim, R.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 3 (1993); 1-5
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  • ’n Vergelyking tussen kinderpsigiatriese verpleging in Suid-Afrika en San Francisco
    van Rhyn, L.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 3 (1993); 6-12
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  • Policy-making for real: Politics and progress in South African health care
    Fourie, A.; van Rensburg, H. C. J.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 3 (1993); 13-19
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  • Die verpleegkundige as preseptor in personeelontwikkeling in opleidingshospitale in...
    Jooste, K.; Nel, C. M.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 3 (1993); 20-25
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  • Die saalklerk as hulppersoneellid in ’n akademiese hospitaalverplegingseenheid
    van der Merwe, T.; Muller, M.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 4 (1993); 20-27
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  • Selection criteria predictive of academic success in the first two years of the...
    Uys, L. R.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 2 (1993); 1-4
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  • AIDS: Problems encountered in anthropological research
    Boulogne, G.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 2 (1993); 11-16
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  • Die pynervaring en die beraming daarvan by pasiënte met karsinoom
    van Wyk, N. C.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 2 (1993); 5-10
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  • The professional educational needs of non-practising nurses registered with the South...
    Ehlers, V. J.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 3 (1993); 26-31
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  • Belewenis van moeders van jong hiperaktiewe kinders
    Cilliers, A. J.; Greeff, M.; Poggenpoel, M.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 2 (1993); 17-23
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  • Belewenis van persone na aan selfmoord slagoffers
    Kinsella, J.; Greeff, M.; Poggenpoel, M.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 4 (1993); 43-49
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  • ’n Model vir psigiatriese verpleegkundige begeleiding van die pasiënt met...
    Greeff, M.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 3 (1993); 32-36
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  • Assessment of the life experiences of visually impaired adults in the Empangeni region...
    Zungu, B. M.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 4 (1993); 38-42
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  • An adaptation of the Neuman Systems Model to the care of the hospitalized preschool child
    Orr, J. P.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 3 (1993); 37-44
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  • Obstacles to and motivation for successful breast-feeding
    Bergh, A-M
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 2 (1993); 24-29
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  • Die belewenis van ouers met ’n siek premature baba
    van der Heyde, M. E.; Nolte, A. G. W.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 3 (1993); 45-49
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  • Streshantering van die psigiatriese verpleegkundestudent: Deel II
    Nieuwoudt, S. M.; Greeff, M.; Poggenpoel, M.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 2 (1993); 30-34
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  • Critical evaluation of the newly qualified nurse’s competency to practise – Part 1
    Troskie, R.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 3 (1993); 50-61
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  • Nursing students’ perception of clinical learning experiences as provided by the...
    TIakula, N. R. C.; Uys, L. R.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 4 (1993); 28-31
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  • Academic staffing patterns in nursing colleges in Natal and Transvaal
    Khumalo, E. T.; Uys, L. R.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 4 (1993); 54-59
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  • Mental health policy: Options for South Africa
    Pillay, Y. G.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 4 (1993); 50-53
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  • The prevention of neural tube defects by folic acid supplementation
    Hitzeroth, H. W.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 4 (1993); 64
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  • Depressive symptomatology in hospitalised children
    Rangaka, M.; Rose, C.; Richter, L.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 2 (1993); 40-44
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  • Validity and reliability in qualitative research
    Brink, H. I. L.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 2 (1993); 35-38
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  • Audiovisual education and breastfeeding practices: A preliminary report
    Nikodem, V. C.; Hofmeyr, G. J.; Kramer, T. R.; Gülmezoglu, A. M.; Anderson, A.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 4 (1993); 60-63
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  • ’n Profiel van die B.Cur-student 1988–1982 aan die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit
    Botes, A. C.; van Tonder, A. H. D.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 4 (1993); 32-37
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  • Academic nurse leaders’ interpretation of concepts and priorities related to the...
    Brink, H.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 3 (1993); 62-67
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  • Die rol van profete as verskaffers van alternatiewe mediese sorg
    Booyens, J. H.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 4 (1993); 3-11
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  • Academic nurse leaders’ interpretation of concepts and priorities related to the...
    Brink, H.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 4 (1993); 12-19
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  • Family focused nursing education
    Thompson, R. A. E.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 4 (1993); 65-68
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  • Short report: Experience of black patients in a critical care unit in a hospital in...
    Gwala, R. M. S.
    Curationis; Vol 16, No 3 (1993); 68-69
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  • Primary mental health care: Indications and obstacles
    Pillay, Y.G.; Subedar, H.
    Curationis; Vol 15, No 2 (1992); 5-7
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  • Rekenaargesteunde onderwys in verpleegkunde
    Naude, M.; Basson, A.
    Curationis; Vol 15, No 2 (1992); 8-11
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  • Kennis en verwagtinge van die primigravida oor baring
    Bester, M.B.; Nolte, A.G.W.
    Curationis; Vol 15, No 4 (1992); 12-15
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